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KSI R1MURU last won the day on August 8 2018

KSI R1MURU had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 10/21/1990

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  1. Squad Leadership Name of host: KSI BLICKY 7 Co-Host (if applicable):n/a Attendance: KSI FireMajic @KSI FireMajick KSI GamerJohn @KSI GamerJohn KSI Grifful @KSI Grifful KSI Kerfuffle @Isnana ISK KSI MetalBarbie @KSI MetalBarbie KSI Sinikon @Sinikon
  2. Team Captain: KSI BLICKY 7 Division: FI Teammate: KSI Kerfuffle Division FI Teammate: KSI GreendayFox Division: FI
  3. Member assistance: Even as a CoFo I can attest to the fact that she has helped me with finding information that I was unsure of. Be it something simple on the forums or with anything pertaining to how to help another member become more within this community. Mad Max: With the recent attacks on the community by TSB and XDG she was at the forefront of it as the captain of her squad and sacrificed so much of her sanity maintaining even the smallest amount of normalcy of day to day operations to show other members that everything was going to be ok so as to keep the squad together. Another example of her lose of sanity she was acting in the role of gen while as a captain with only the basics to keep the squad up and running which is no easy feat but is even worse when you are the only one doing it. Die Hard: Even when most people would fold under the pressure of losing so many members in such a short amount of time Barbie stood strong. Not only were there members that left, but she lost a LT and a newly promoted SSG in the wake of everything who than began poaching and spreading rumors about how she did not care for her members and treated them badly. She stayed strong not only for herself but for her squadmates as well.
  4. I can say that without a doubt Barbie has gone above and beyond what is asked of anyone in FI. The most recent of these moments is while still as a captain in Velocity she was running the show while the general was absent for the most of it. While not only maintaining the day to day operations of the squad she also ended up handling making sure all the other officers were doing their duties. Also while all of this is going on FI took a hit due to the recent attacks from XDG and TSB which Velocity is the one squad that was hit the hardest, and even through all of that she was still able to maintain and keep her squad together. She has made it her goal to keep Velocity from dyeing which only solidifies that she is an incredibly hard working member but also an invaluable asset to this community.
  5. Team Captain: KSI GreendayFOX Division: FI Teammate: KSI BLICKY 7 Division: FI
  6. Name: KSI BLICKY 7 Forums Account: @KSI BLICKY 7 Reason: Member of FI's Headunter team this season. Name: KSI Kerfuffle Forums Account: @Isnana ISK Reason: Member of FI's Headunter team this season. Name: KSI RockDogg Forums Account: @KSI ROCKDOGG Reason: Member of FI's Headunter team this season. Name: KSI Ch4ttyK4thy Forums Account: @KSI Ch4ttyK4thy Reason: Member of FI's Headunter team this season.
  7. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Silence 7 Link to forums account - @KSI Silence 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - In the past month this man has lifted this division onto his shoulders, and not only bared its weight he has even taken on the duties as acting Div Lead. If it wasn't for Silence's strong presence any time a member needs him this division would not run half as smoothly. He is always in parties with people of every squad and has been trying to set up gamenights on things outside of xbox just to have more interaction between the squads of the division. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Kerfuffle-FI/Gen Link to forums account - @Isnana ISK Reasoning why the deserve this - He has made it mission to keep Hellcat running at the same pace that the previous gens had set. I can say having been the gen that he took over for he has done well not only during this whole XDG mess has he taken it upon himself to keep his squad together he has went out of his way to do the same for other squads as well. In the last month he has really shown what it means to care for a community like it is your family no matter the hardships. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MetalBarbie 3CPT-FI/Velocity Link to forums account - @KSI MetalBarbie Reasoning why they deserve this - She has taken on the brunt of making sure that Velocity runs smoothly insuring that the squad stays alive. Even with recent events of poaching from former members for XDG she managed to keep her members happy and wanting to stay while also keeping them informed of all that is going on and why it is happening especially for the newer members that don't understand. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xLilDuckyx 2LT-FI/Velocity Link to forums account - @The Duckster Reasoning why they deserve this - In the last month he has really taken a lot to ensure he is helping out not only the other officers in Velocity, but the division as a whole. Any time he needs to know anything he is not afraid to ask. In his efforts to attain his goals he has taken on mentors in order to become the best that he can be and if he keeps on the path he is on he will obtain his dreams and so much more. Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI GreendayFox 4CPT-FI/Hellcat Link to forums account - @KSI GreendayFox Reasoning why they deserve this - In the last month she has been instrumental in getting our division wanting to participate with events be it from T&E or AAP she has made the push to get everyone wanting to be an active member within this amazing community. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI SadieJ SSG-FI/Hellcat Link to forums account - @MersadezJ Reasoning why they deserve this - In The last month she has really stepped up as a new SSG within the division. Not only helping out members but also being very instrumental in our efforts to defend our members against the treats of other communities.
  8. Within the year that I have been in KSI Silence has gone from moderately insane to full blown bonkers here within the last 2 weeks. With the deluge of XDG and TSB into our Discord causing a mass exodus of members. This man has been up long nights and gotten up anytime there has been a problem causing his sanity to chip away in large chunks. So i can say without the shadow of a doubt that he belongs in a padded cell made out of a bounce house just to keep his nerves from fraying anymore.
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