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KSI Gwood 77

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About KSI Gwood 77

  • Birthday 01/02/1992

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  • Location
    Newnan, GA
  • Interests
    Football, women, hunting, and Ole NO. 7
  • Gamertag
    KSI Gwood 77
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  1. Illusions-Most Outstanding- I'm very new to a directors position, therefore I needed to be trained on becoming a Director. Illusion has been there to help me every step of the way. If I had/have a question about one thing or another, Illusion is there almost instantly to help me along the way. Throughout my career in KSI, I have always looked up to this guy as one of the greatest leaders in KSI. He is by far the most outstanding!
  2. OSlvl1: KSI Mystique 77 is defiantly deserves this, I'm very luck to have him in my division and even luckier to have him as my second in command. He goes out of his way on a daily basis to make sure everything runs smooth in all squads in HD. Without Mystique, Harmonic Destruction would not be where it is today. Thank you mystique for being that outstanding member and being consistent throughout your KSI career. Member Assistance: I can't tell you how many times I have seen Mystique bring members into a party and show them the KSI way. He has helped new recruiters with recruiting their first recruit, has spent extra time with officers in making sure they know how to be successful in their positions and in positions above them, has helped Generals learn how to make a successful squad and build a squad become and stay active, has taught several Co-founders in HD to be successful with all their squads. Member Assistance is crazy for this guy. Keep on doing watch your doing buddy!
  3. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Mystique 77-/HD- Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/5434-king-of-miami/ Award-/-Achievement: Committed Reason-/-Evidence: Has given his time and dedication to KSI since 5/31/12
  4. OS Lvl 1 - Wolfhound has shown what it takes to go far in KSI. He is willing to lend a helping hand out to any and everybody who needs it, not only trains members, but also trains officers to be future leaders in KSi, he is not selfish when it comes to rank and just wants whats best for KSI. Take for example his recent transfer from Blackout (one of HD's most prestigious squads) to Wreckage (a new squad that was struggling). He wanted to go over to Wreckage to help train their members up and give a helping hand where he could to a very new general. Thank you for your outstanding service Wolfhound! Trainer- I know for a fact that Wolfhound has trained at least 50 or so members because I have been in the lobbies he has hosted when doing so. This man has trained up some of the best in HD. He also helped me form a step by step process to teach officers how to train SGT's and officers ways to be successful in their positions and in KSI in general. Yes, we still use this step by step process in HD. Why would we stop? Nearly all of are SGT's know how to recruit perfectly and how to be successful in KSI. I thank Wolfhound for a large part of this success with HD. Member Assistance- I think what I said in the trainer section above is enough right? I mean helping his Div Leader with a process to help the ENTIRE division out, come on! But if that isn't enough I will continue to brag on this young man because he will be one of the greats in KSI. Wolfhound has helped me answer many questions in HD. He is what I would call my eyes and ears in the division when I'm offline. He helps me out by making sure all squads are playing together. He is a great "people person" and everyone knows him in the division, so getting game nights across the entire division with every squad. I could go on and on in each section above, but I don't want to write a book on this man's success, even though it would be very easy to. Thank you Wolfhound for your commitment to KSI! -Gwood
  5. Cheddarbob has been my mentor ever since I joined KSI (4/25/12) he has taught me how to become a leader and I know for a fact I would not be where I am know if cheddar wasn't here. As for member assistance, Cheddar has assisted so many members in KSI I wouldn't know where to start. I can say that he has assisted me all through my KSI career. As for trainer, like I said before he has trained countless members, but since there are too many to count and there wouldn't be enough room on the forums for me to post all of the members he has trained, I will say that he has trained me up in several positions (LT-CO-DIV). Cheddar thank you for all that you have done for KSI man, I can honestly say that without you being there for me all the time i would have been lost, I appreciate your hard work and dedication. I base my Division off of what you taught me and it hasn't failed me yet. Keep up the great work bud!
  6. OS Lvl 1: Cheddarbob has taught me a majority of what I know in KSI and it is for this reason that I have been successful myself. I'm happy to see him back and working just as hard as ever. He continues to put in the work required to be a great leader.
  7. Samurai has not only been a great help in giving me assistance but has also shown to be a reliable mentor over time, glad I got to know this guy because he has been more than helpful on my KSI journey
  8. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI IRONCOWBOY7(DIRECTOR-HD) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1086-scarface/ Reasoning why they deserve this – IRONCOWBOY is always consistent with helping me in HD, he did the same when we were in ET and just continues to give great advice, I’m glad I have him as a director so not only can he yell at me when I do wrong, push me when its needed, but also pick me up when I’m doing good. Thank you Cowboy for all you’ve done, not just for me and my division, but all of KSI. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI HUCKLBERRY7 (FOUNDER – ET) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/5569-ksi-hucklberry7/ Reasoning why they deserve this – If you do not know Huck, then you defiantly need to meet this guy. He has grown up with me in KSI and over time has proven himself as a true leader. He has so many people that look to him for advice and why shouldn’t they? HUCK KNOWS HIS STUFF IN KSI. He is a great resource if you have any questions and writes down everything (even records things at times haha). Look for Huck on Xbox live because he will truly show you the meaning of a dedicated KSI member. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Mystique 77(CO-FOUNDER- HD) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/5434-ksi-mystique-77/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Mystique is HD’s newest CO-FO, but he has helped StonePulse7 and I out so much this month, he has taken a lot of stress off of us so the we can concentrate on the bigger picture (sharing KSI). I can not thank him enough for what he has done, continue to do what you do Mystique and you will see yourself go far in KSI. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) –KSIxWORM696 (GENERAL-HD/VANQUISH) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8981-ksixworm696/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Worm is our one of our newest Generals in HD. But he has grown his squad of 33(which was about half fluff) to 80 members in his squad in a little over 3 weeks. Now I know that seems really fast and training would be the issue for him right? WRONG, Worm has his officers trained and ready. This guy is an unbelievable General and I cannot what to see how far he goes in KSI. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) –KSIxIllusionz (CAPTAIN – HD/KHAOTIC) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/10085-ksixillusionz/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Illusionz has helped Khaotic grow and become the great squad that they are. Without Illusionz, Power(Khaotic General) and myself would have to do a lot more to make Khaotic where it is now. Illusionz is a true workhorse and deserves his credit. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Docjoe (Lieutenant – HD/BLACKOUT) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9544-ksi-docjoe/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Docjoe has been in Blackout for a long time. In his time in KSI, he has shown great work ethic and and has shown that he is dedicated to KSI. If he didn’t take some time off from KSI for personal reasons I fully believe that I would be nominating him for a 7’s position, instead of LT. This guy is great to get to know. He will be a big part of KSI very soon.
  9. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI IRONCOWBOY7- ET Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1086-ironcowboy/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Cowboy has couched me all throughout my career in KSI. He has given great advice to me in time of need and has always been available to lend a hand where it was needed. I would not know what I know or be where I am now if it wasn’t for Ironcowboy and i'm sure there are many more who whould say the same. He keeps check with all squads and infroms everyone of anything that changes on a day to day schedule with KSI. Couldn't ask for a better Division Leader. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSIxK1NGxCZRx77- ET Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/4056-ksixk1ngxczrx77/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Caesar has been very helpful this year in helping my squad grow when I was a general. He can see early on if a member has good or bad potential which is a great talent. Also he doesn’t care to speak what he believes in, even if it means getting him in trouble every once and a while, Caesar deserves this award more than anyone, if you disagree then you haven’t met him yet. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI HUCKLEBERRY- ET/Corrupt Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5569-ksi-huckleberry/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Huck has shown that he knows how to run a squad very well. His officers and his members are very well trained and when Huck has an announcement to make everyone in his squad shuts up and listens. It’s not because he is mean or raises his voice either, the respect that is given to Huck by all is unreal. Please if you haven’t had a chance to meet the guy I urge you to do so. He’ll show you how a true leader within KSI should be. Major Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI HEPHAESTUS- ET/Blackout Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/6053-ksi-hephaestus/ Reasoning why they deserve this –Jason was my Major until recently when he took over the squad because of my promotion to Co-founder. I can tell everyone that when he took over as General the squad didn’t skip a beat because they were so use to having him be a strong leader already, Hephaestus takes great pride in his membership and is a hard worker for his squad. My hat goes off to the hardest working (both in KSI and at work) guy I know, you deserve this award 110%. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI McTwinkie- ET/Blackout Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/7325-ksi-mc-twinkie/ Reasoning why they deserve this – If you want to see one of the greatest upcoming stars of KSI, look no farther than ET’s own McTwinkie. His leadership and commitment to his squad is unparallel. He spends a great amount of time online playing with his squad and has also spent his own money on tournaments to keep game nights at an all time high level of fun. Twink also shows a great amount of fairness, he doesn’t pick favorites. Hope this guy receives this award because he sure does deserve it. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Country8980- ET/Blackout Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/8632-ksi-country8980/ Reasoning why they deserve this – DEDICATION, this is the only word I need for this man. His story to show how dedicated he is and how much he cares about his squad? Country had back surgery a couple weeks back and had rods put all the way down his back. THAT NIGHT Country got on his Xbox just long enough to see if he missed anything and how the squad was doing. But he also is great with new members, mentors on time for his squad, and is very anxious to move up. This is what “Of The Year†Awards are all about and I think you would be crazy not to let this man be the LT of the year.
  10. I can Witness for KSI KING CEAZAR, he has been more than helpful with my squad and gives advice that is always helpful. I have also seen him bring up a squad that was struggling and made it one of the better squads in ET. Proud to have CEAZAR as a Co-Fo of ET.
  11. Priest has been the one guy that I can say deserves awards, he has shown his hard work and dedication to KSI, I can personally say that Priest has helped me on several occasions with any questions that I need answered and gives me advice to benefit my squad. I have also witnessed him doing this with other members and other squads. Priest i can tell you that if you don't win anything than you have been overlooked and i would love to meet the member who beat you out, because I can not think of anyone who deserves it more. You have been most helpful of anyone i can think of and give motivation to all.
  12. LT KSI HUCKLEBERY(3LT - ET/Blackout) Reasoning why the deserve this - He has shown true leadership of the squad, has been online and stayed active on MW3, is more than willing to talk to anyone and help them with what he can, is very trustworthy, and isn't afraid to speak up when it is needed. There is no LT that is more deserving than KSI HUCKLEBERRY, if you dont believe me, add him as a friend and see what I'm talking about.
  13. Welcome to the forums gwood28 :)

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