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KSI angrysalad

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About KSI angrysalad

  • Birthday 11/20/1987

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    nottingham england
  • Interests
  • Gamertag
    KSI angrysalad
  • Date Recruited
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  • Kik
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  1. As we are meant to be advertising KSI as a postitive gaming community shouldn't rule 2 include KSI does not tolerate discrimination in any form including but not limited to racism sexism and harassment by or towards anybody instead of just KSI members
  2. Big shoutout to @ksi trendies 7 for being a great dog leader big shoutout to cyanide big shoutout to KSI hawk6969 for being a great gen
  3. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Trendies 7 (Co-Division Leader - Wicked Destruction) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34187-ksi-trendies-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI Trendies 7 is always helping to make sure things are running smoothly in the division. He's been known to help members with anything that they need regardless of rank, location, or issue. He is also particularly knowledgeable about processes and events within KSI and making sure the standard processes are followed while remaining open to suggestions on improvements of the standard processes. KSI Trendies 7 is always facilitating growth within the division and promoting activity both within squads and the division as a whole. because of the exceptional work that he has done for his division and this is why I believe he deserves the Co-Division-Leader-Of-The-Month award for March 2017. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI BRUNAN964 (1st Captain - Abaddon WD) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/38175-ksi-brunan964/ Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI BRUNAN964 continually exceeds the expectations of a Captain and is an exceptional leader within the squad. He encourages squad growth by getting members out recruiting and he's an inspiration to the squad. KSI BRUNAN964 exemplifies what it means to be a leader within KSI; he treats every member with respect all the way from Recruit to Board Member and he is very knowledgeable about KSI but still open to learn whatever he can. Whenever a member offers a suggestion he always takes it into consideration and has a productive dialog about it with both that member and others to get more opinions on the subject. He has done, and continues to do, excellent work for the community and I believe he deserves the Captain-Of-The-Month award for March 2017.
  4. GAMERTAG KSI KHALESSI 7 RANK CO FO SQUAD ABADDON DIVINSION WD my reasons for nominating this person are because they always try there best to help all squad members and they have a posititive attitude which makes people feel more comfortable around them Gamertag KSI LinkedSiren Rank General squad abaddon division WD reasom for nomination is that he is always there to help his squad no matter what wether it's in a game or something in real life he's always there to try and help he makes us all feel like we are part of a big family and that no matter our rank we are all equal and that no1 is better than any1 else he inspires us to do our best and helps us to achieve our goals in games we play
  5. Kik username is now KSI angrysalad

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