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KSI MUDD DIGGER last won the day on January 8 2017

KSI MUDD DIGGER had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 05/03/1991

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  1. Category: Founder Gamertag:KSI Breakfast 7 (founder) Forums Account Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/28683-breakfast/ Reasons they derserve this award: Well i will start off by saying hes a good 7 and he gets stuff done and hes always there when u need him or need help so i got to say he deserves this award and iam glad hes over my squad i can count on him if i need him. Category Gen Gamertag: KSI XWolfyX (Gen) Forums Account Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/43716-ksi-demonwolfy/ Reasonons they derserve this award: Well this person i remember her starting off as a recruit and after that she grew into a good leader and now she became a gen and shes doing great put she wants to get more involved and she wants to learn more stuff all in all shes just a great leader and a good officer soyeah i think she deserves this award.
  2. Gamertag : KSI REX General Link:http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/38834-ksi-rex™/ General of the month Reasoning: when he became gen he got stuff done and he lead the squad very well and all in all a good gen and he cares about his members and does a good job running the squad. And so he derserve the general award. Gamertag: KSI DemonicWolf 2nd captain Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/43716-ksi-demonwolfy/ Captain of the month Reasoning Well this person works very hard she gets training done and she has a positive attude and she will become a good gen and she helps the squad members when they need help :and she makes the new members feel welcome and invites them to partys and games she puts herself out there and shes a real joy to have in the squad and so i believe she deserves this award. Gamertag: KSI MR J HA HA Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/44502-ksi-mrj-ha-ha/ LT of the month Reasoning : this person deserves this award because very hard working he gets what needs to be done and hes a good sport and has a good attitude on everything a very good officer and he is always putting him self out there when members come to him about anything he answers every question that the member has and so i think he has derserve this award.
  3. Gamertag: KSI REX Rank: DR Captain Link to profile: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/38834-ksi-rex%E2%84%A2/ Reason: rex has gone beyound and hes there when u need him and i think he derserves this award because hes a great awesome dude and iam glad to call him my mentor
  4. KSI mostdeadly - 1st Lieutenant of Paragon DR http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39431-ksi-mostdeadly/ Reasoning: hes a good guy to be around and he works hard and helps ppl when they need it so i think he derserves this award
  5. Well today has been a good day so far doing a forums workshop and probably going to relax and hang with my girl I think that's a good night for me

    1. KSI Septicade

      KSI Septicade

      Come on Happy wars for the workshop Mudd, we need you

  6. Gamertag: KSI PaladnMouth Rank: DR General Link to profile: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/37765-ksi-paladnmouth/ Reasoning: He has pushed me through hard times and taught me a lot and just has been a good gen and a Friend he deserves it because he always is there for ppl and teaching and help so yeah he is a good mentor and he is my mentor
  7. Gamertag: KSI ApBlis 7 Rank: DR Co-Fo Link to profile: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35643-ksi-apblis-7/ Reasoning: I think she deserves this award because no matter what she's been there when I needed her and she pushed me to be the best I could be and with out and the others she has mentor and it has truly been an honor to call her my friend and my mentor
  8. Hey babe, lots of love, come play soon <3 <3

  9. I did witness this Reasoning "We were in a raid, and KSI ApBlis 7 was with us then lagged out and we didn't know why. Then she messaged Pally and he told us she ran out of Live. He said he'd be back and when he got back she was with. He went and bought her Xbox Live."
  10. Member KSI iPreVail (SSGT - DR/PARAGON http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39060-ksi-iprevail/ Reasoning why He is a great recruiter and he stands out he just a awesome person to be around and game with so i say he derserves this
  11. General KSI ApBlis 7(DR Co-Founder) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35643-ksi-apblis-7/ Reason- This person derserves this award because she stands out and shes there when ppl need her so she really derserves this award Captain KSI PaladnMouth(General- PARAGON DR) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/37765-ksi-paladnmouth/ Reason- the reason he derserves this hes a great person to know hes funny a blast to hang with and he stands out he goes over the duty to be there and help ppl out LT 1LT: KSI mostdeadly PARAGON/DR http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39431-ksi-mostdeadly/ Has gone above and beyond he is a great role model and always there
  12. Well today is a good day um I made to 4the lt this is so exciteding Iimpressed my self

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