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KSI Kapono

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About KSI Kapono

  • Birthday 01/27/1999

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    KSI Kapono
  • Date Recruited
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  • Rank/Title
    Staff Sergeant

Contact Methods

  • Kik
    Snap chat: Gum_drop967069

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  1. He did get me a mic, and I'm very grateful for it.
  2. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI XxDemonicxX (Gen- FI- torque) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39498-ksi-demoniiic/ Reasoning: Since I first got recruited, Demonic was always there to help me when needed. He's very straight up about everything. He doesn't stretch the truth or take sides. Demonic is even and fair with all members of KSI. I've played with Demonic alot and see him as someone who I find I can put my trust into. He has Also put in a lot of work when it comes to training members, and recruiting. He is always there when I have any question. And has helped me with the forums alot. He has given alot of time and effort. As Gen. I find him to be the best I've encountered. He even gave up time after hosting his own meeting to go host a meeting for Firebird. Which I really respected. He is someone I look up to and is someone I wanna surpass in the future. Demonic also possess great leadership skills. He's NOT a boss who tells us what to do, but a leader who gladly leads us and supports us. It is currently hard for me to participate much in clan but he understands my reasoning and doesnt hold it against me. Instead he helps me by teaching me alot of skills i need to be an officer, thats doesnt just include me. He brings a positive vibe every time. And he always there to help us back up if we fall. He trusts us as much as we trust him. Demonic also shows great respect towards us. And makes me feel comfortable and proud to be part of KSI. If it wasn't for Demonic. I don't know if I'd still be in KSI. There is so much more i can say, but. I highly respect Demonic. And as a SSgt of FI Torque. I'm extremely proud and grateful to have KSI XxDemonicxX as our GEN. And will have his back always. And I hear by conclude my reasoning for nominating KSI XxDemonicxX.
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