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  • Gender
  • Location
    Barnwell, SC
  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, outdoorsy stuff, offroading, playing xbox
  • Gamertag
    KSI dtprezz
  • Date Recruited
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  • Division
    Dark Legion
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    KSI dtprezz #4749
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  1. I personally miss Gump a lot. Every time I get on I almost forget that he is no longer here. He was about the best Ghost Recon Wildlands partner there was! He was always willing to get on and play, always willing to get on and help, in any way possible. Even if you werent looking for someone to play with, he would ask what game you were on and if he had it he would say "give me a minute im on my way". Gump was also a great leader. If i ever had any questions about what to do in my squad or any personal life questions, he always had an answer! I was devastated when i got the news he was no longer around. I 100 percent believe he deserves every bit of recognition we can get him. He is greatly missed.
  2. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI dtprezz Award: New Member Certification Evidence: attended workshop Person(s) who ran the workshop KSIxNamineMoon KSIxKidwestSyko
  3. Firemomma is the best 7 we have ever had. She is dedicated to helping the people of DL more than anything. If there are any problems in your personal or in ksi life, she is always there to talk to. She is dedicated to making the dream work for DL also. When Insane was dying, everyone had given up except myself and momma. We tried our hardest to keep it alive, but unfortunately it didnt make it, but it wasnt because of lack of trying. When no one else will play with you, firemomma always will, all the way up until she gets a call to go on an abulance run. She is the one that I always can rely on to be there when you need someone, whether its having her xbox at work so you can work on a minecraft build off, or just someone to talk about your personal problems with, she is always there. If anyone deserves an oustanding service award, she does. She goes above and beyond every day for her fellow ksi members, and there isnt a whole lot of people who i honestly can say does that.
  4. Shout out to @KSI Legacy IV aka @KSI Legacy 7 for being promoted to a 7! Shout out to @KSI Bushmaster 7 and @KSI Huntresz 7 for being awesome all the time!
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