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  • Birthday 01/23/1993

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    Honor Ground Zero
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  1. Gamertag:KSI Strife Squad/Division Honor-Groundzero
  2. I will be a witness for legion. First a little background on myself. I am not easily impressed and i do not play favorites, i am brutally honest (even it means cutting people to the core) and i dont usually tolerate an unusual amount of bullPoop but at the same time i am a fun loving person and the first to goof around. so if i have a kind word to say it was well earned if i have a negative thing to say it is only because i want to see improvement in my squad mates all the way from my general to my newest private. Outstanding Service LVL1- During Legions 2 week step in as general i had seen a lot from him that impressed even me. Legion did not merely take on the position of general but he had approached with such enthusiasm that it was slightly contagious while i may not be as active on the forums as i should be i keep a close eye on my squad if i see problems i take the necessary steps to fix them. thankfully right before he had to take lags place i was promoted to LT-3 which gave me slightly more lee way than SSGT however. During those two weeks honor as a squad from the inside honor seemed to shine we were both busy and active. Almost every night was a "game night" whether it be just a group of 5 playing matchmaking or a full blown lobby of 10. as he has stated we had more recruits in those two weeks than we did that month. The thing that stands out in the bunch of recruits rather than the others is that most if not all are active. they may not have forums accounts(which they should and i plan on getting on their asses about) they come to meetings and will gather from game nights they are not the usually fluff recruits that collect dust. One of them in particular Rin has shown some future leadership qualities all we have to do is iron out his individual kinks and show him what being an officer is really about. But i digress; Legion in my eyes should be awarded outstanding service lvl1 on those facts alone. But on top of that he was very down to earth, honest, and had won the respect of all his squad mates and as anyone should know a persons rank has nothing to do with power whether it be Private or all the way up to General but the amount of respect and trust that individual has gained within the squad. Silver Outstanding service LVL2- boy what you smokin? acting as general in a generals absence does not in fact make you eligible for all the same awards and achievements as a standing general. Thats why its called acting AS general you are only a temporary replacement for a short time. However you can still attain this IF you continue to show the traits i know you have to become a general Most outstanding- Honestly i cant provide any evidence to this specific category that i havent already listed if someone feels that my statements above apply to this then go ahead and consider it a copy and paste Member Assistance- You've earned this one kid for many of the reasons i already stated but ill go into further detail. He sat down with every single one of our officers and sergeants and made sure they knew how to properly recruit and orientate all new ksi member into Honor. also he explained a few things to myself. and anytime any one had a question in a party it was him that everyone directed them to. Headhunter- Its a given his in a headhunter squad Sorry for the long post heres a potato
  3. Welcome to the forums KSI STRIFE :)

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