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KSI MetalBarbie

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KSI MetalBarbie last won the day on August 27 2018

KSI MetalBarbie had the most liked content!

About KSI MetalBarbie

  • Birthday 10/06/1989

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    San Antonio
  • Interests
    Heavy metal and Super Mario World!
  • Gamertag
    KSI MetalBarbie
  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
  • Division
    Forced Induction
  • Rank/Title
    GEN/Court Judge

Contact Methods

  • Discord
    KSI MetalBarbie#9843
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Member (2/4)



  1. My backstory with Trendies did not start out in clan ops, but instead, started in department ops. I was a new judge and he was the first person who had reached out and welcomed me. At this point I only knew of him as a 7 and was surprised and quite taken back by the hospitality. Over the next few months of getting to know him and taking his LEAD 101 workshop, l learned how down to earth he is: Trendies is not only a director but he is also a prime example of what all leaders should be. I personally never had the chance to experience him as my director, but just as these statements posted and statements I have heard from his members during the workshop, he gets to know members as an individual and not just another number. Trendies definitely deserves this award for his hard work and dedication to the community!
  2. Name: The RustableYew Link to Forums Account: @The RustableYew Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: Gamerscore of 27,955 Name: morle Link to Forums Account: @KSI morle Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: Gamerscore of 37,604/
  3. Name: KSI R3d3mption5 Link to Forums Account: @KSI R3DEMPTION Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: Gamerscore of 24,622 Name: KSI Sungazer 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Sungazer 7 Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: Gamerscore of 38,038 Name: KSI xGinger Link to Forums Account: @KSI xGinger Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: Gamerscore of 32,415
  4. Name: Itz Hazle Link to Forums Account: @Itz Hazle Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: Gamerscore of 42,722 Name: KSI Deathren Link to Forums Account: @KSI Deathren Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: 45,748 Name: KSI Forgott3n Link to Forums Account: @KSI Forgott3n Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: 36,001
  5. Hey! If you are not participating in the Weekend Warfare on September 1st, my member Itz Hazle is co-hosting a Rainbow Six Siege 5v5 Pro League tournament. The tournament will be a best of three games - single eliminations starting at 5 PM EST, and he is hoping for at least 12 teams. If you have any questions, you can message either me (KSI MetalBarbie) or Itz Hazle. Update: KSI Grifful will be the cohost with Itz Hazle Teammate: Division: Teammate: Division: Teammate: Division: Teammate: Division: Teammate: Division:
  6. Witness for Blicky. Blicky puts the knowledge, strength, and integrity into the meaning of KSI. I became close to him while he was gen over Hellcat, and I watched how he ran his squad. His members held such great respect for him and they still hold such high respect for him as a CoFo. Once he came cofo, I set out to learn his ways to help my squad. He is my go-to whenever I have questions, need advise, or someone just to talk to - whether it’s KSI related or personal life. I don’t know how he does it, but this guy is available practically 24/7 all while working graveyards, being married, and a first time dad to an infant. This kind of dedication is hard to find.
  7. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI MetalBarbie/KSI MetalBarbie Award: New Member Certified Evidence: attended KSI Silence 7’s workshop Person(s) who ran the workshop: @KSI Silence 7
  8. Happy Independence Day fam! Hope y’all have a safe and fun day!<3

  9. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Silence 7 - FI/CoDiv Link to forums account - @KSI Silence 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - This guy has put his all and more into making sure FI is running smooth, especially with the recent attacks we had on our div from XDG and TSB. He is always available (even in the middle of the night) if an issue arises. For being a co-div, he interacts with everyone all the way down to the recruits leading by example for EVERYONE, no matter what rank you are, to be involved and interact with your members. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Blicky 7 - FI/CoFo Link to forums account - @KSI BLICKY 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - He is one of the most active 7's I have ever interacted with. Whether it is KSI related or on a more personal level he is always available to talk to and always has the most uplifting words/advise. After observing the way he leads, he is the perfect example of what every 7 should be and I myself hope to be just as good. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xLilDuckyx - 2LT/FI/Velocity Link to forums account - @The Duckster Reasoning why they deserve this - Ducky has stepped up to the plate and helped me as I held my squad together after taking a hit from XDG. Every night he goes on recruiting blitz's hoping to come across at least one person that is KSI quality to join. When he's not recruiting, he's hosting or co-hosting game nights with other members in our squad or division. Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI GreendayFox - 4CPT/FI/Hellcat Link to forums account - @KSI GreendayFox Reasoning why they deserve this - I don't know what I would do without Greenday. This little lady pours her heart and soul out into making sure every Weekend Warfare, OTMs, DOTMs, and most recently - Spirit Week were posted into the chats. I was proud to say that due to this Velocity had several members (more than expected) that competed in Spirit Week representing FI. Her personality alone is bubbly and contagious, and I am so lucky to be in the same division as her! Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI SadieJ - SSGT/FI/Velocity Link to forums account - @MersadezJ Reasoning why they deserve this - Sadie has been helping me keep tabs, and keeping us updated on the whole XDG and TSB issues. She was recently promoted to SSGT and actually transferred from her rock solid squad to help rebuild my squad. Not to mention, she is doing all of this while being a mom!!!! She is a superhero.
  10. im sorry i never wanted to hurt any of you :( you all felt like family

  11. RockDogg is a dedicated KSI member who deserves this award. He is the rock of Enforcer's officer corp and is always there to assist a member.
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