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KSI FireHeart 7

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Everything posted by KSI FireHeart 7

  1. I have known swaggs for many years and while in ksi he has helped me in many scenarios and has taught me many things about ksi. He will also help anyone that asks him for advice, that's the kind of person he is. I only have 3 words that can describe swagg. Hardworking. Dedicated. And respectful
  2. Name: KSI FireHeart 7Link to Forums Account: @KSI FireHeart 7Award-/-Achievement: commited Reason-/-Evidence: I was rcted August 31 2016 Witnesses: @VeRiiTaS 7 @Acestreaker25
  3. LT: KSI MetalBarbie (1st LT - FI/Velocity) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39341-ksi-metalbarbie/Reasoning why they deserve this - the reason she deserves this is because this month she has went above and beyond to help not only her squad but also her division. She has done so much within the squad to help it grow and floursh. But overall she's extremely hard working and cares so much about everyone in the division.
  4. Gamertag/Forums name: @KSI FireHeart 7 Award: New Member Certified Evidence:N/A Person(s) who ran the workshop: @KSI NEGAN 7
  5. until

    I am streaming this event
  6. Ok peeps we are having 3 Gamenights in the month of september. Plzz messeng the following ppl that are hosting the gamenight if you with to join. Also please comment you GT,div, and which gamenight you would like to attend. KSI xJose- desteny 2 on sep 9th @8pm est KSI LittleHomie- Halo 5 on September 7th @8pm est KSI Psych- any game septemper 4th @6:30pm est
  7. Name: KSI WhiteWolf Link to profile:http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39214-ksi-whitewolf342/ Reason: for 3rd place in this month's montoge compitition. Also having video in the youtube page YouTube link: Edited j
  8. Name: KSI WhiteWolf Link to profile:http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39214-ksi-whitewolf342/ Reason: for 3rd place in this month's montoge compitition. Also having video in the youtube page
  9. Gamer tag: KSI BOOGA 7 Link:http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35371-ksi-booga/ Award: Committed Reason: Has had a KSI gamer tag for a year
  10. Gamer tag: KSI BOOGA 7 Link:http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35371-ksi-booga/ Award: Committed Reason: Has had a KSI gamer tag for a year
  11. Gamer tag: KSI xArbiter Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/37477-ksi-xarbiter/ Award: Committed Reason: Has had a KSI gamer tag for a year
  12. When u get a chance msg me and we can game together. Just let me know what games you have

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