CaptainGamertag KSI Almondten ( Last Strike/Impulse) Link to forums account -
Almond is a credit to our division and were so lucky to have such an amazing leader. Newly promoted to a general we already know he's going to do us all proud. His calm matter and polite ways will get him far.
Co-Division Leader:KSI KiLLER 7 - (Div Leader - LS) Link to forums account -
Well well well. Where the bloody hell do I even start. He's a terrible drunk who always out to cause trouble for himself but all the same he's hilarious and cheers everyone up without him this division wouldn't be the same. He taught me everything I know and took me under his wing. Hes hot headed at times but always keeps everyone in check. We woudlnt change him for the world!!
Member of Month:KSI BrknAkame 7 - (Midgard 3rd CPT - LS)Link to forums account -
after me pecking his head for weeks on end this member has finally found his feet again. We are lucky to have such a hard working educated individual, So many members look up to his and he's an inspiration to many.
WriterGamertag KSI Bearded 7 Link to forums account -
What can I say. I love reading all of Goaties stuff. He has me wrapped immediately and always wanting to buy more games with money I don't have haha. This members is my mentor a true friend and a great leader, I certainly wouldn't be here without him. His articles are the cherry on top.
Co-FounderGamertag KSI Danger 7 (LS) Link to forums account -
My personal burger nips over here is a cheeky chap who loves the ladies haha. He's always involved in all squads, gaming socialising or just trying to be good in smite. Maybe he'll get their one day, this award could boost his already big enough ego. ;-)
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Mpliers 7Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this –
this guy right here is in my opinion the best of the best in his position he's always helped me out with any serious issues. Even when he's working he's all about ksi. And he always keeps us entertained in parties so here's to pliers 1 2 3 SHOTSSSSS
GeneralGamertag KSI Karma 7 (LW)Link to forums account -
Karma is my absolute favourite person in KSI she's so genuine hard working and down to early. This lady deserves all the recognition in the world she's a credit. LW is so lucky to have her!!! And it's about time she got noticed a little more.