Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI KiLLER 7
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killer has always gone above and beyond for everyone and anyone regardless of rank/position. LS has come a long was and a lot of it is down to this man. He's a highly respected joker in our division and continues to keep us all in good spirit with his constant cheeky sassy ways.
Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bearded 7
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This man is the heart and soul of LS and has made many positive steps in the right direction for us. He's genuine down to earth and always around to help, mentor everyone regardless of rank, he also like killer keeps our division in high spirits with his great humour. He's highly respected and without such a great leader this division wouldn't be the same.
Gamertag Pantsir 7
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at his ripe age of 92 this old chap doesn't do too bad. He's a great mentor and definitely someone I personally look up to in ksi. He's always on hand to help with anything and has the kind of attitude this community should be praising more often, with people like himself around ksi will never fail to succeed.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gizmo
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the challenges this guy has overcome to get to where he is today is unbelievable I personally couldn't be any prouder that a recruit of mine has gotten to where he is. He's hard working motivated, full of laughs for everyone and there is never a dull moment. He's definitely one to watch out for and I see him going far within this community and I couldn't think of it happening to a better person.