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X iWallBang X

The Shadow Realm
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X iWallBang X last won the day on May 2 2017

X iWallBang X had the most liked content!

About X iWallBang X

  • Birthday 07/23/1992

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X iWallBang X's Achievements


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  1. Name: KSI RestNPeace7 Link to Forums Account: @KSIRestInPeace7 Award-/-Achievement: Meta Awards: Legen- through round of applause Reason-/-Evidence: Member currently has 25 awards Requested Staff Award(s): Roxy Foxy,That's So Fetch,I Love Roiit,Cero's Little Helper.
  2. Name: KSI reapers 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI reapers 7 Award-/-Achievement: Novice and Pro Recruiter Reason-/-Evidence: I have personal seen and can witness this guy has recruited over the required members in to KSI since I know him He has deffo recruited more than 60 Other can witness following are @KSI Eyonia 7 @KSI GOT EM 7 @KSI TexAngel 7
  3. Name: KSI Reapers7 Link to Forums Account: Award-/-Achievement: Rebounder & mentor Reason-/-Evidence: whilse I was a general within hydra Es and reapers was in banshee he moved from banshee to Griffin as griffin was a dead squad he went over there and re built the squad to over 40+ active members People who can witness this are following tex Angel as she was division leader and got em Mentor: i claim this amazing person as a mentor he has helped me grow as a officer with knowledge help ideas and a lot more I can truely say he has always gone above and beyond for anyone within Es division I'm truely shocked he hasn't been nominated For this sooner so I 100% from my heart would like to thank this person for everything he does for his division
  4. Name: KSI RestNPeace7 Link to Forums Account: @KSIRestInPeace7 Award-/-Achievement: Capped Out, Friendly Reason-/-Evidence: Capped Out: I am currently in two departments, Production and AAP friendly have won the day 3 times
  5. GT: KSI Reapers2010 Forums: @KSI reapers2010 Award:Helping Hand Reasons/Evidence. Brought KSI Eyonia 7 pubg whilse I was present in party will be dropping my vote to witnesses this if you want others who can attest to this as there was 5 of us in party at time when this happen
  6. Name: KSI GOT EM 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI GOT EM 7 Award-/-Achievement: Member Assistance and mentor Reason-/-Evidence: I will be dropping my vote to be a witness for this Members Assistance This amazing person has always been there to answer my question related to KSI if he didn't know the answer he would go and find out and let you know within the same day or following day. Mentor: I will 100% say this is one of my mentor he helped me settle after moving division and took me underneath him and help mentor me with all his KSI knowledge I would not have got this distance without his help I learned so much from him how to handle situations and what best way to approach situations and I will 100% say I wouldn't have got this far without this lovely leader
  7. Name: KSI RestNPeace7 Link to Forums Account: @KSIRestInPeace7 Award-/-Achievement: Good Karma Reason-/-Evidence: Have 103 loves on forums
  8. GT: KSI GOT EM 7 Forums: @KSI GOT EM 7 Award:Helping Hand Reasons/Evidence.helped me change my name to reflect KSI RestNPeace7 he also helps others out all the time within Es
  9. Name: KSI AtomXGen Link to Forums Account: @KSI AtomXGen Award-/-Achievement: Helping Hand Reason-/-Evidence: he has helped members with name changes and also brought a officer a 3 month gold membership within hydra squad
  10. Name: KSI Eyonia 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Eyonia 7 Award-/-Achievement: Helping Hand Reason-/-Evidence: she has helped a member within her old squad she gave a member a 3month Xbox live membership and within hydra she has helped a member with gt change to help them move on up the ranks
  11. Name: KSI RestInPeace Link to Forums Account: @MissYouDad Award-/-Achievement: Committed Reason-/-Evidence: I first rejoin KSI on January and changed my name to KSI iPreVail and was in DR I believe the KSI x King 77 can witness this as was my div leader and sure some of the Es seven can witness if needed
  12. Name: KSI RestInPeace Link to Forums Account: @MissYouDad Award-/-Achievement: master recruiter and trainer Reason-/-Evidence: have recruited over 120+ people to KSI since rejoining KSI whilse in DR and ES
  13. KSI TWIZTIDLOKI Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/44326-ksitwiztidloki/ Award-/-Achievement: gamer score hoarder Reason-/-Evidence:34,411 gamerscore https://www.instagram.com/
  14. KSI WyldWynd Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35734-ksi-wyldwynd/?tab=activity Award-/-Achievement: gamer score hoarder Reason-/-Evidence:21,223 gamer score https://www.instagram.com/
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