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  • Birthday 12/21/1994

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    CO-FO (maybe again someday) SG

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    KSI BLAZA 7#0768

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  1. Co-div Gamertag: KSI Akame 7 RANK: LS CO-DIV Link @KSI Akame 7 Reasoning behind this is akame is doing everything KSI possible I don't know much else he could do for KSI unless he was paying for everything or paying member hahah but all that a side he is one the most dedicated members I've ever seen if it wasn't for he's approach an attitude I wouldn't be where I'm at, an I know many others wouldn't be has clear minded as they are
  2. Gamertag/Forums Name: KSI Blazuto 7 Award Desired/Needed: New Member Certified Evidence (If Required - For this certification there is none): Completed individual training on the New Member Training Workshop Link to forums @KSI Blazuto 7 witness @KSI Akame 7
  3. Thank you guys very much, an everyone that cared to share their experiences
  4. I'll remind my other witness again. Thank you for your patience
  5. Name: KSI Blazuto 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Blazuto 7 Reason/evidene: https://account.xbox.com/en-US/Profile?xr=mebarnav I have the score required and that lovely prefix
  6. Name: KSI Akame 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Akame 7 Award-/-Achievement: ICE BREAKER Reason-/-Evidence: http://www.ksiforums.org/topic/26807-ksi-dell-gamerscore-hoarder-awarded/ http://www.ksiforums.org/topic/36268-ksi-swaii-gamerscore-hoarder/ http://www.ksiforums.org/topic/37304-ksi-mayor-helping-hand-award/ http://www.ksiforums.org/topic/37841-ksi-spiffy-trainer-award/ http://www.ksiforums.org/topic/37840-ksi-isavage-trainer-award/
  7. 7 KSI Akame 7 Co-div LS http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26390-ksi-akame-7/ Reasoning behind this is.. We all talk to each other we all game but how many of us actually sit an listen to what people have to say whether its venting or somehing small like misunderstood message KSI RELATED OR NOT this is man that will have you open up with out knowing it an now understandings are made akame is to the definite definition of a 7 that goes beyond the call an also reminds us were still human, 7 KSI HEBREW 7 DIV LEAD LS http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/36177-ksi-hebrew-7/ Reasoning on this one, HEBREW, hebrew... HEBREW, for many years I have seen so many changes so much growth, the man the walks beside the storm an flys as if to be wind itself constant flow of change, it' free you could say. With the values of old times an the ability to overcome most think Impossible, for you my good sir lll take off my poncho of myself to you (yah kinda like that hat ordeal) I'm weird yes. But for every battle to come i know shall end swift I too will stand by your side again an again 7 KSI KILLER 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35003-ksi-killer-7/ Reasoning behind this mans chance its that right there he always takes the chance because in life we never know what we happen, if no one tried to push something a system a way of thinking, this man right here will pull you from rubble an says "it's alright mate Yah? What am I here for you need assistnce?" He dives in with a level head an has only the community in mind with the decision made, he is a huge impact on so many people that even when he was gone strangers / new recruits etc etc an so on knew his name an what he' capiable of, presence speaks louder then on other form, think as if tomorrow is today an today is yesterday well this man is planes ahead, all in all killer lives with the spirit of a warriors passion rebulid love an respect, we pray war never comes but I believe the soldiers are an have been ready DIR KSI Trendies 7 @KSI Trendies 7 Reasoning be hind it is this man is one of the most outstanding leaders I have not only does he watch over multiple div he still finds the time to interact with both on such a ground level, hes reasonably when it comes to this but all knows when to strike the hammer, I am glad to say friend I'm glad to say his my Dir. The man always ask how everyone is every single day even while he' at work if that is dedication I dont what is an trendies if you read this you made my mentors list you have open a whole new door to handling the day to day KSI stuff an without that drive youd still find a fire of creation to build upon
  8. KSI Akame 7, this man deserves this award because just like I've said time an time again the ONLY TIME things he is doing are not KSI related is sleep or work an even then he is still all over discord an even jumps in parties on his lunch breaks to get with members, he has that professional but friendly balance to his work method that is one of its own, he always has the best in mind for the DIV an each squad within it, without a doubt in my mind he is one member of KSI I never question his method he is always helping an looking out for us so I believe this would a perfect addition to the list of ever growing achievements like the tree of life he is always growing an rising to the challenge
  9. Gamer tag- KSI HEBREW 7 RANK/ DIV- DIV LEAD LS LINK TO FORUMS- @KSI HEBREW 7 Reasoning- he is always around to lend that hand of help, always around with that friendly ear to listen an share his wisdom an knowledge that's been collected throughout the years, well I can say this, I would walk shoulder to shoulder with this man through any situation knowing every little thing is gonna be alright. Gamertag- KSI Akame 7 RANK/DIV- FOUNDER LS LINK TO FORUMS- @KSI Akame 7 Reasoning- hahah where do I start with this guy, akame I believe he deserves this because he is always taking steps beyond as it was normal when others say "ehhh that's too much work", he is always willing and wanting to be with members an helping them anyone way possible, hell I think they only way he isn't doing something KSI related is when he's asleep or at work otherwise it's KSI to the fullest. Gamertag- KSI KiLLER 7 RANK/DIV- GENERAL LS LINK TO FORUMS- @KSI KiLLER 7 Reasoning- I have seen this man right here do so much for this community and I must say it is a honor to know an work with him from him being my General when I first joined to now him being on an equal level of rank it makes me proud to call this man my friend and a go to person for knowledge when needed, Killer is one of the most straight forward people I've met and I can say I see nothing but greatness come from this guy, also if you see this killer *activates tumbleweed powers!* hahah Gamertag- KSI Trendies 7 Rank/DIV- Director LS/CD LINK TO FORUMS- @KSI Trendies 7 Reasoning- Trendies is one of the most hands on an interactive with the members he oversees, overall the atmosphere he brings with is friendly an still professionally when needed to be he has a great balance of the two, i'm am glad to see someone that driven sitting where he's at but let be real he deals with a lotta HURHUR from LS Hahahah

  11. I doop an I doop strong 

  12. Category - founder - Gamertag KSI HEBREW 7 FORUMS ACCOUNT LINK: www.ksiforums.org/profile/36177-ksi-hebrew-7 reason why: HEBREW deserves this award because he always rises to the challenge with out blinking an eye, he grabs the storm by the clouds an comes out standing tall everytime an he'll continue to do it again an again. Founder category: Co-Fo gamer tag: KSI BrknAkame 7 FORUMS ACCOUNT LINK:http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26390-broken-akame-7/ Reason why: Akame this man deserves this award because he keeps a cool head, gets the job done, his friendly helps anyone that needs it. Always keeps it real an straight forward, works well under pressure without showing any hesitation. Co-Fo category: GENERAL Gamertag: KSI Swaii FORUMS ACCOUNT LINK:http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/42192-ksi-swaii/ Reason why: Swaii deserves this award because he has stuck around when things broke apart at his feet an still stepped up an pushed on through, he keeps it so cool In situation where others freeze to as if it didn' even phase him, and continues showing great character by always helping an asking others what they believe he is one of the most considerate people I've encountered and i know he will continue to step toward any challenge with an open mind and his squad In his thoughts GENERAL
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