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W1lds Special Warriors
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Everything posted by KSIPROPHECY7

  1. My spring break was spent working, but it allowed for some nice weather before the heat kicked in full force in my state.
  2. Gamertag / Forums Name KSIPROPHECY7 @KSIPROPHECY7 Award: Unceasing Subscriber Any evidence: Evidence posted in AAP Meta Award: Under the Kilt
  3. @KSI Sub 7 This post can be deleted or archived, it has been posted in the correct area now.
  4. Gamertag / Forums Name KSIPROPHECY7 @KSIPROPHECY7 Award: Spring Chicken (Already Have It) Any evidence: Evidence posted in AAP Meta Award: Samurai Savages
  5. Gamertag: KSIPROPHECY7 Link to forums: @KSIPROPHECY7 Awards: Approachable, Well Known, Luck of the Irish (Already have) Staff award in place of. Evidence/Reason: Evidence posted in AAP Chat and i have 5 days won and have 5600 profile views Staff Award: Got Tea?
  6. Highest of FIves (Verified) - Yes Queen of Fright (Verified) - Yes
  7. Gamerscore Rookie (Verified) - Yes Gamerscore Hoarder (Verified) - Yes Gamerscore Master (Verified) - Yes
  8. Forums Rookie (Verified) - Yes Well Known (Verified) - Yes
  9. LOVE Also wanted to show some love to the big brother of the community @KSI Shootah Even when things are going south or he is having a bad day he still manages to make light of a situation and keep smiling.
  10. Here to Stay (Verified) - Yes Award Hobbyist (Not Eligible at this time) - No R6 Siege (Verified) - Yes
  11. Gamertag: KSIPROPHECY7 Link to forums: @KSIPROPHECY7 Awards: 2024 Donor, Airborne's Legion (I already have the Feb Donor Award), Over Achiever, Dary Evidence/Reason: Evidence posted in AAP Chat for Donor awards, and evidence for other 2 is I have 105 awards on forums currently.
  12. Gamerscore Rookie - Yes Gamerscore Hoarder - Yes
  13. Gamertag / Forums Name- KSI Hatrid, KSI OnlyVibes Award- Forums Certified, Rank Structure Certified, Advanced Training Certified, Recruiting, Basic Training. Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too)- Workshop was hosted by myself @KSIPROPHECY7 posted workshop in KSI Event Logs on Discord, Profile Link if possible @KSI Hatrid @Onlyvib3s
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