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W1lds Special Warriors
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Everything posted by KSIPROPHECY7

  1. Gamertag: KSI DEMON 9 Forums Account: @KSI DEMON 9 Awards: Committed, Award Hobbyist, Luci's side Evidence for these awards: Member has been in KSI since March 2023 with KSI in his GT and on Discord, member has 41 Awards
  2. Gamertag: KSI Fire38 Forums Account: @KSI Fire38 Awards: Helping Hand, Novice Recruiter, GamerScore Rookie, Gamerscore Hoarder, Fresh Meat, Rising Star, Getting Popular, Legen, Ripple Effect, All Hail The Pickle King, Luci's Side Evidence for these awards: KSI Fire38 showed his gratitude and selflessness when he payed for one of his officers (KSI Fantasma) Internet Bill to ensure he could continue on his journey as a officer and keep having fun in this great community. KSI Fire38 was made the Certified Recruiter Trainer in the Clan OPs server for a reason this gentleman has single handedly RCTed 20 plus and Aided in 10 plus RCTs All Other Awards can be verified through the Members Forums Account.
  3. Gamertag: KSIPROPHECY7 Forums Account: @KSIPROPHECY7 Awards: Out For Summer (Already Have), Mr. Color Code Evidence for these awards: SS Below
  4. Gamertag: KSI WldMama 7 Forums Account: @KSI WldMama7 Awards: Dary, Optic Requiem. Evidence for these awards: She has 105 Awards on the Forums
  5. Gamertag: KSIPROPHECY7 Forums Account: @KSIPROPHECY7 Awards: Excelsior, Tex-ism Evidence for these awards: 121 Awards
  6. Gamertag: KSIPROPHECY7 Forums Account: @KSIPROPHECY7 Awards: Excelsior, Tex-ism Evidence for these awards: 121 Awards
  7. Gamertag KSI HEFNER 7 Forums Name @KSI HEFNER 7 Award: Highest of FIves, I ❤️ Awards, Got Tea?, Mr. Color Code Any evidence : Member has 64 awards on the Forums
  8. Gamertag: KSI WldMama7 Forums Account: @KSI WldMama7 Awards: Jack Of All Trades, Trainer, Dedicated, Novice Recruiter, Pro Recruiter, Master Recruiter, Forums Addict, Good Karma, Getting Popular, Well Known, Big Kahuna, Over Achiever, Lucis Side, Got Tea? Evidence for these awards: I have searched myself through this members awards to verify they have all of them. I can confirm This member has trained well over 30 members including me. Member has been apart of KSI since 2021 and has not left the community or had a break. Member has RCTed well over 120 RCTs as well as given up 100s of RCTs for officer to get training on RCTing. Member has just over 1k post on Forums. Member has just over 100 Rep on Forums. Member has over 5k Views and over 2 years on Forums. Member has 93 Awards on the Forums.
  9. Gamertag: KSIPROPHECY7 Forums Account: @KSIPROPHECY7 Awards: Ice Breaker, Happy Star Wars Day( this Blitz took place on twitter instead of the forums but should suffice for the award. Evidence for these awards: 5 from 2 post total. SS for Blitz posted in AAP
  10. I ❤️ Awards (Verified) - Yes Optic Requiem (Verified) - Yes
  11. Gamertag: KSIPROPHECY7, KSI WldMama 7, KSI Swag 77, KSI HEFNER 7, KSI Akame 77, Resistances Forums Account: @KSIPROPHECY7 @KSI WldMama7 @KSI Swag 77 @KSI HEFNER 7 @KSI Akame 77 @Resistances Award: Bright Idea Evidence for the award: Sensitive information could not be shared publicly, KSI Sub 7 and KSI Paradox 7 were screen shared the new Docs, The Workshops have been completely revamped to become more interactive with the members to allow for a less boring experience, There are also 2 new workshops being used widely in KSI Clan Ops, Named Professionalism and Time Management. The Google Docs created are used widely with the officer corp for CMS training purposes as well as member activity tracking.
  12. Gamertag: KSIPROPHECY7 Forums Account: @KSIPROPHECY7 Award: May The 4th With You (Already Have) Staff Award: The Covert Shinobi Evidence for the award: SS sent to AAP
  13. May the 4th be with you (Verified) - Yes
  14. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI WldMama 7 Award: Bright Idea Any evidence if required Evidence cant be posted as the google docs are sensitive material but Mama played a huge role in the beginning of the Sheets as well as creating some of the Workshops used for officer training today. Profile Link if possible @KSI WldMama7
  15. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI HEFNER 7 Award: Committed, Dedicated (Member has been apart of KSI since APR 5 2021) Friendly, Approachable ( member has 6 days won on profile) Legen, Ripple Effect, On Point, Round of Applause, Three Cheers, Award Hobbyist (Member has atleast 40 awards on Forums) Novice Recruiter, Pro Recruiter, Master Recruiter ( Member has RCTed and also Assisted in the RCTing of over 150 Members into KSI Gamerscore Master ( Member has over 50k Gamerscore SS in AAP) Squad Splitter ( The squad Fallen Split and made the newest Squad Odyssey and This member was the General at the Time of the split and became a Co Founder shortly after) Twitch (SS in AAP) Server Booster (SS in AAP) Staff Awards: All Hail the Pickle King, The Covert Shinobi, Lucis Side, Samurai Savages, The Double Agent, We All Fit Together, Apex Legends Any evidence- All Screenshots posted in AAP Chat, And I KSIPROPHECY7 vouche for all awards that need a Co Founder or above witness Profile Link if possible @KSI HEFNER 7
  16. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Sub 7 @KSI Sub 7 Award: Noice Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Profile Link if possible His Profile has 69 of each of the requirements.
  17. Highest of FIves (Verified) - Yes I ❤️ Awards (Verified) - Yes Award Senpai (Verified) - Yes Sea of Thieves (Verified) - Yes For Honor (Verified) - Yes Got Tea (Verified) - Yes I Love Me (Verified) - Yes Luck of the Irish (Verified) - Yes 2022 Donor (Verified) - Yes 2023 Donor (Verified) - Yes 2024 Donor (Verified) - Yes Clip Commander (Verified) - Yes You're Still Here (Verified) - Yes Marathon Subscriber (Verified) - Yes
  18. Gamertag / Forums Name- @KSI ThePanda Award- Basic Training Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too)- Workshop was hosted by @KSI Hatrid posted workshop in KSI Event Logs on Discord,
  19. @KSI Forty 7that award is usually paired with another award if you like i can assist you and see what other awards you are eligible for.
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