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KSI BlackWolf86

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About KSI BlackWolf86

  • Birthday 12/02/1986

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    Divine Reign
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  1. I claim KSI paladnmouth as my mentor , due to his unwavering devotion to his squad as well as to KSI. He is always striving and pushing himself and others to be the absolute best we can be. He won't leave a members side no matter how difficult that person's situation is whether it personal or KSI related. I honestly couldn't think of anyone who could deserve this award more than him. He's a one of a kind and I'm proud to call him my general.
  2. Just dropping by. Hope all is well. Miss you

  3. Captain (Recently promoted to General) KSI PaladnMouth (General of Paragon DR) Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/37765-ksi-paladnmouth/ Where to start as to why KSI PaladnMouth deserves Captain of the month... He has always been quick to spring into action when needed an even when he's not he's always there to lend a hand just in case. He is a very loving,caring, an compassionate young man and always always there to make any and everyone feel welcomed and important. I've personally seen him help so many within the community whether it be with problems in the community or in life he is always there. He's also quick to help others with improving in what ever game or aspect that they wish to improve. He is an excellent officer with in KSI and a tremendously fantastic person outside the community as well. I honestly in my heart couldn't think of anyone else who'd deserve the award for Captain of the month other than him. He truly is an amazing young man.
  4. General- KSI ApBlis 7 (CF in DR) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35643-ksi-apblis-7 Oh where do I start with why she deserves the Gen of the month award? Well guess I can start from the beginning from the first time I was introduced to her a day or two after Id been recruited into KSI. She was very welcoming an had this absolute bubbly yet stern personality about her. I admire her for all that she has done with Paragon. She loves and cares for each and every member as if they're family an she does her absolute best to see to it that everyone feels welcomed and wanted as best she can. She goes above and beyond constantly to see to it that each an every member within the squad are ok and or if they need help with anything whether it be game related, or life related she is quick to do her best to help them whether its helping them better their gaming skills or helping them out with a school subject she always tries her absolute hardest. An when one of her squad members suffers a loss of a blood relative Paragon was quick to offer condolences, a listening ear,a shoulder to cry on, an to just be there an come together as a family and thats in large part all in thanks to KSI ApBlis 7 because of how shes ran her squad. She's made KSI feel like a second family an Im so thankful and greatful to be a part of KSI. She's a wonderful person that would go to the ends of the earth for those she cares for and she's proven that ever since i met her. In my heart an out of all the Generals that I've met, I believe that she deserves the award for General of the Month.
  5. Name Gamer Tag : KSI PaladnMouth Profile Link : http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/37765-ksi-paladnmouth/ Current Rank : 4th Captain Category Nominating for : Lieutenant of the Year Reason : Reason I am nominating him is because he is a very sweet an down to earth person who is always there for his squad and his friends. An when there is a problem he is quick to try and resolve it. His actions speak louder than words could ever hope to. Name Gamer Tag : KSI lCE Profile Link : http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/38834-ksi-rex%E2%84%A2/ Current Rank : 3rd LT Category Nominating for : Member Of The Year Reason : He is always there for his squad whenever there's a problem he springs into action. Again words couldn't ever hope to describe than many reasons as to why I am nominating him. Name Gamer Tag : KSI lCE Profile Link : http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/38834-ksi-rex%E2%84%A2/ Current Rank : 3rd LT Category Nominating for : Writer of the Year Reason : His stories are amazing and very well worded. He's an inspiration to writers everywhere.
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