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KSI Antwan02k1

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About KSI Antwan02k1

  • Birthday 05/27/2001

Profile Information

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  • Gamertag
    KSI KillTobias
  • Date Recruited
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    KSI KillTobias
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  1. Ok just saw I had to redo so will do I can witness that he has not only helped me and the squad but he also helps the whole division for when they need help when they can't find anything to solve the problem he is an amazing person and I'm pretty sure everyone could say the same
  2. Just saw I wasn't singed in but that was me that oksred that above with the guest don't know why I was signed out though
  3. Gamertag/forums names: KSI KillTobias Award: new member certifed Evidence: members attended and completed the new member workshop Person(s) who ran the workshop: @KSI ROCKDOGG
  4. KSI ROCKDOGG 3CPT FI ENFORCER ROCKDOGG I nominate KSI ROCKDOGG because he is a really hard worker he is there when I needed him and he does his job as he is suppose to thank you rockdogg for being my captain it fits you well and since your good at being a captain I'm pretty sure you would be great at being a General keep up the awesome work.
  5. Ever since I have been merged into enforcer I'm not sure if rock was there but ever since I have meet him he has always been there for everyone and he has helped me to keep my head up going through tough times rockdogg is an amazing person every since I meet him thank you for being here for all of us
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