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Bane 7

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Everything posted by Bane 7

  1. You’re still here (verified) yes already has Fresh start (Verified) Verithots: yes
  2. We will need 3 more witnesses to come forward. By the pending lock time. @KSI MercX @KSI Grogu 7
  3. We will be needing 5 witnesses to claim KSI Grogu 7 as their mentors. Please come forward!
  4. @KSI SpawnGod Can you please send the evidence to an AAP staff member. If you want message me on discord Bane#5767
  5. Award Hobbyist (Verified) Yes Identity Crisis: Yes
  6. General - KSIMommabear @KSIMommaBear Reasoning - it was known by many that by the time 2021 would be over Mommabear would be a General. Not many people have been fast learners like Mommabear this year. I met mommabear when she was just becoming an officer, she was working on ways to increase the activity of a squad that wasn’t so active. She may not have originally been the best recruiter but she changed that, because she has been willing to adapt to any situation and overcome obstacles in the way. Mommabear has been Gen of Hydra for a little bit now and as many in Hydra can agree her leadership is appreciated. She is a huge reason why Hydra is one of the best squads in the community at the moment. She continues to train effective officers and work together to create an active squad that has about 90 active members. She has so many potential to one day moving past General, and I can’t wait to see it happen, but I know one day it will. Forums Staff - KSI VENUM 7 @The ChadMin Reasoning - Web Ops wouldn’t be what it is without one person and that one person is Venum, or Chad if you prefer. Personally I’ve known Venum for years and I can tell that this past year was different from the rest. Venum has been motivated to advance the ways of Web Ops to make it better for the whole community. When I first came back to web ops I was a GSM, but then became a join mod, when I came Venum was one the retraining me and he did great showing me all the things necessary to be a great join mod, and then took the chance to higher my knowledge. Whenever I have any web ops related issues I know that Venum is the go to guy. He’s really worked hard this year and that’s what’s earned him his position as Chief Chadministrative Officer. Member - KSI Sleepy @Sleepy Reasoning - Overall this year this guy has been the most active, determined and accomplished member of the year. I met sleepy the day he was recruited, in the party he was recruited, when I first met him all I thought of him was someone who would just join, play COD for a little bit and then dip out when he realizes we all suck at the game. I was so wrong, and so were many others. Sleepy was very active in his squad when he first joined and was playing games with members a lot, and that’s always very important for a member, other than that, Sleepy ended up becoming a recruiting machine, bringing in a high number of recruits weekly, a number you’d expect 2 squads to bring in, but this was one man doing it for one squad. Within KSI, sleepy is a name a majority of people know, because he gets out there and make friends all across the community. There’s still some stuff I’ve told him to never do, and he’s done it anyway but it’s alright (he knows what I’m talking about) Sleepy is member of the year, because although it may not be as possible for most, but sleepy has done everything and more that a member should throughout the year of 2021.
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