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Bane 7

Guitar Hero
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Everything posted by Bane 7

  1. Jack of all Trades (Verified) Yes on Point (Verified) Yes Bling Bling: Yes
  2. Taken into Staff Discussion
  3. Already has Out for Summer (Verified) Minecraft: Yes
  4. Posted in Multi Nom Department Awards Topic. Close this topic! @KSI Starset 7 @Loyalty Paradox
  5. Keep up the great statements.
  6. 24 hours until taken into Staff Discussion.
  7. Already has May the 4th award. The Double Agent (Verified) Yes I <3 Awards(Verified) Yes Airbornes Legion: Yes
  8. Bring forth multiple witnesses that can attest to Merc deserving Outstanding Service Level 1. Keep this definition in mind when writing witness statements. [Any rank from SGT to Senior Leader/Department Staff]- - Member Has worked Harder than most around them to earn their stars as a member through determination and efforts in the face of adversity [-Discretion of the AAP team and its findings upon evidence provided by supporting witnesses-] *3 months minimum in KSI* ***NO SELF NOMINATION*** @KSI Shatner
  9. I <3 awards: Yes Bling Bling: Yes
  10. GS Rookie: Yes GS Hoarder: Yes GS Master: Yes GS Collector: Yes
  11. Legen: Yes Ripple Effect: Yes Execute Order 77: Yes Call of Duty: Yes
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