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KSI Berry

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KSI Berry last won the day on October 20 2017

KSI Berry had the most liked content!


About KSI Berry

  • Birthday 08/06/1997

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Black Ops 2
    Grand Theft Auto
    Managing Amino (An App)
  • Gamertag
    KSI Berry
  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
  • Division
    Crimson Dawn
  • Rank/Title

Contact Methods

  • Discord
    KSI Berry#3521
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  1. Happy Birthday 


  2. Name: KSI Berry Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/38451-ksi-berry/ Award-/-Achievement: Gamer score Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: 20,575 GS
  3. To whom it may concern, I did see a Karaoke night for February and I personally wanted to take part of it. But, do you guys allow duets? I mean if not, then I am suggesting this to you guys now! To me, Solos kinda frighten me haha. So, I feel like Duets would be lovely to have. Maybe like a spring duet type of thing for this season? It would be fun to have people sing with a buddy of theirs. Hopefully this idea finds you guys well ^-^ You guys rule! -KSI Berry
  4. Witnessing: I claim Silence 7 as my mentor For a while before I completely reunited with KSI, I felt lost and incomplete. Thinking I have been left behind by people. I've always felt like that but, Silence has taken me under his wing when I did find KSI again. Throughout my progression in the ranks, Silence has been guiding me, teaching me and most of all, be there as a person I admire. When I progress again in the ranks, I wish to be more like Silence. I thank him for teaching me how to be a better person for this lovely community and my squad. His words had changed me for the better of what people need.
  5. Aw thank you for the award ^-^

  6. Oh! I won most liked content? Well, thanks for making me feel better Forums XD

  7. When you feel like a failure and ready to give it up, It is always best to think positive and hope tomorrow is a brand new day filled with adventures for you.:thumbsup:

  8. Founder KSI Silence 7 Founder FI @KSI Silence 7 Silence is such a reliable person. He has given me helpful tips on my current position while I was having some trouble figuring out what I can do for the squad. He dedicates time to help the ones in need of any advice or to just give friendly tips ad opinions on what people can do. He has given me the strength to not give up on certain things around me in KSI. If there is a point in my time in KSI where I become a higher up, I will consider him as my mentor.
  9. The stress...it burnssss XD

  10. Life has many obstacles.

    Don't stand at one.

    Move forward from it as soon as you find another way

    1. Banditkilla


      as long as that other way is a better way

  11. when you need a little salt in your life XD


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Banditkilla


      it will burn so good though i have salt like reflexes hahahah xD


    3. KSI Berry

      KSI Berry

      XD Hahahaha Burn it 

    4. Banditkilla


      burn it to the ground

      as we all stand around

      watching the flames reach the sky

      and rain salt into our eyes.


      hahaha yea i went all salty poet on it

  12. AX7, Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, Fall Out Boy, Thousand Foot Krutch, Red, some Skrillex and Deadmau5 My list is a complete mess lol
  13. Lets go FI! Lets go! Good luck to other divisions:) May the best one win!
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