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KSI BRUNAN 7 last won the day on January 29 2017

KSI BRUNAN 7 had the most liked content!


  • Birthday September 27

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Lots of
  • Gamertag
  • Date Recruited
    Jan 6 2016
  • Squad
    ALL (originally ABADDON)
  • Division
    Wicked Distruction
  • Rank/Title
    Division Leader

Contact Methods

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    KSI BRUNAN964 #3741
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KSI BRUNAN 7's Achievements


Member (2/4)



  1. Division: WD 1. 7's Rep: KSI BRUNAN 7 2. 7's Rep:
  2. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamer tag ( Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Director Gamer tag ( Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Division Leader Gamer tag ( Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Founder Gamer tag ( Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Co-Founder Gamer tag ( Division/Squad)- Link to forums account - General Gamer tag ( Division/Squad) - KSIxRonL64- (WD/ABADDON) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/37656-ksixronl65/ Reasoning why the deserve this - This Man has dedicated his time no matter how he feels. He has been an answering post for so many of his officers that they just want to help him. His dedication to his Squad and to try to keep all the different personality's from exploding into to much drama.(There's always some) Trains his officers from real life experience and respect. We have great people in our division and it's a hard choice sometimes to put these testimony's in without offending someone else but others will agree his dedication is insurmountable. Captain Gamer tag ( Division/Squad) - KSI LinkedSiren (2nd-WD/ABADDON) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30296-ksi-linkedsiren/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This member has always been knowledgeable in KSI rules and understanding and coping with so many personalities. He has gave up many personal gaming endeavors to help other members activities such as raid or just walk them through forums. Always trying to help people in need. Great to know he is around in KSI knowing the things he does to represent. LT Gamer tag ( Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - SSGT Gamer tag ( Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - SGT Gamer tag ( Division/Squad) - KSI Zelus (WD/VANQUISH) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34267-bio-zhi/ Reasoning why they deserve this - He has gone over and above help putting together a HH team with great Ideas on how it should run as a tight mesh team. I agreed with him and his way worked to a winning season with great help and low Drama. This was he has learned through the other teams he has been on and put a answer together not just pointing out issues for someone else to solve. He is a strong representative In WD doing Weekend Warfare and other events. Great all around KSI member and glad to work with. Member Gamer tag ( Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this -
  3. KSI Brunan 7 is the founder. Fun to be around and play with, always ready to give support and advice to anyone.

  4. I'm a witness to his dedication to his squad and is a great officer, He has always stepped up when members couldn't get with another officer to lend his help. He keeps on activities such as game nights to help the squads growth along with recruiting new members that he checks on instead of forgetting about them like so many other recruiters do.
  5. Yes I'm a witness to this many many training classes across the div not just 1 squad
  6. Team name: Cuddly Teddy Bears Division: WD Team Manager: KSI BRUNAN 7 Team Captain: Ksi Zelus Main Team 1: Ksi Zelus 2: Ksi Deimos 3: Ksi LostHyperen 4: Crispea 5: Brutal Eraze x 6: Ksi desolate Team Alternates 7: Ksi tyche 8: zpib 9: Ksi folkstyle 10: Ksi aion
  7. Gamer tag: KSI Athydian link to forums: @KSI Athydian award: os lvl 1 Reason: I have watched the change in ABADDON WD and can witness the turning ppoint is When KSI RONL64 became GEN in ABADDON. The choice he made to take on a sleeping squad with little activity. KSI Athydian with past experience as an officer decided to help his old friend. From SSGT position you could feel the energy building from his efforts. He had been going above his position continuously and at every position by having game nights, recruiting,getting others to join his passion of reviving ABADDON. Coming up with challenges and activities to get more people involved. The GEN is the person responsible but without great support staff they will struggle. KSI Athidian is the key member of his staff to make it a great with his infectious support that makes others want to do more.
  8. Category: GeneralGamertag; KSIxRONL64Forums Account Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/37656-ksixronl64/ Reason: There are multiple people that do a great job and deserve a shot at this but the reason I have picked Ron is that He has never let challenges slow him down. He has a great time playing with people but he makes sure his duty isn't neglected. We had Squad that was left to fail and he wanted to give it a shot and try and resurrect life in it. He left his home squad with a little worry but thought it would be OK. He tried several ways without a lot support to Help them. We have had a lot of Challenges at this time and Focus had not been on this Squad. Eventually a decision was made to shut down the Squad an put efforts elsewhere . This would have put most people think they wasted there efforts and I'm sure it crossed his mind. He went back to his Home squad and noticed his worries came true and wanted this quad to get back to being active so it wouldn't end up like the other Squad. As a 1st CAP he jumped in there and got game nights going again. When all the other distractions calmed down it was realized there was ha need for change. He was offered a shot at GEN after Not just handed to him. He kept his Drive of making Squad active and tried to ask people in the squad what they was missing. Things have turned around but still needs some help and even with Health problems, he has puts the squad needs first. I got to know him and respect him more than he knows. He is an inspiration and has won CPT of the Month 2 times but I think he needs this OTY for GEN for more than one reason. Category: Captain Gamer tag: KSI Folkstyle Forums Account Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/46612-ksi-folkstyle/ Reason: Same as above, several people can be looked at for this award. This is why I chose this candidate, Since he has been in KSI, I have notices his name coming up in chats, Game=nights being helpful to his Squad any kind of way. He helps and even joins Game nights more than required. He Volunteers for KSI needs in several departments. He has earned and deserves his position by constantly and consistently helping out More than just his Squad. Willing to except criticism and learns from them and accepts responsibility along with accountability. I am very impressed with his helpfulness. Category: LT Gamer tag: KSI SEXYMOMA Forums Account Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/46473-ksi-sexymoma/ Reason: There are people that you think are fun to be around and if anyone knows her like I do there is more to them. I never thought she would be Interested in being an officer. I will never say that again because of her. Watching her over time, she had been doing what an officer does and more. She has been a force in her squad to activity and promote team work. She knows the feeling of helping has its own reward, just don't take advantage. She is Brutally honest and if you are a friend she will set you straight first to keep you from looking like an idiot. She sides with the truth even if you might not like it. That trait is necessary for my friendship. I would rather you tell me i'm wrong to help me than agree and let you look silly. I have seen her help people even when she had her own problems to deal with and I cant get into details but definitely not minor problems, she never turned her back on anyone that really needed help. She has my utmost respect and I hope shes not mad at me for putting her up for this.
  9. WD is bottom of the selection but Top of the Line, Lets Go Team.
  10. I have known KSI Tawick 77 for a while in WD and actually asked him to be one of my officers when I was General over ABADDON. He has always given help without asking anything. He decline based on when he had to work he felt he couldn't do a good job. He was always helping with game nights and giving good advice when asked from his previous KSI experience. He has tried to help without looking for a position or promotion..
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