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KSIfiremomma7 last won the day on October 28 2019

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About KSIfiremomma7

  • Birthday 09/22/1969

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  1. Name: KSI SnowQueen Link to Forums Account: @KSI SnowQueen Award-/-Achievement: OS Level 1 Reason-/-Evidence: Well she has succeeded where others have failed , especially with the squad she is now Gen of . She was handed the a failing squad due to the part of the Gen before her and she has managed to bring her officer staff together to be a united front for the squad. As I have watched her and answered several questions for her, she has proven that she will continue to do great things in KSI. She is a friend to everyone and I don't think there are many that she hasn't gamed with or just set in a party chatting with. She is always thirsting for more knowledge about her gaming community and ways that it may be improved. She works well with everyone, including the 7's staff and is also apart of the join/rejoin mods. If there was anyone that has come up the ranks after me, she is the one that I will be watching to do bigger and better things then myself. She is always there for members of KSI, not just her squad. She has handled things with positivity no matter what has been thrown at her and I believe she can and will be able to handle anything that KSI throws at her next. DL will always be a better place with her in it. For all this and more she deserves this award and for putting up with me !
  2. Senior Leader(Board members, Senior Directors): Director: Division Leader: Gamertag: KSI DropShot 7 Forums Account Link / @Mr. DropShot Reasons they deserve this award: DropShot keeps growing and showing he can handle what ever we throw at him. He is not only running DL, handling Judge duties, but also Head of T& E. I can't wait to see what he is going to be able to do in the upcoming year! He has stuck through all the ups and downs of DL with us and managed to keep his sanity. He has made some good Gens and is working well with everyone in DL to make DL a better Division. No matter what I have chatted with him about he has taken the bad and made some positive changes in DL. Co - Founder: General: Gamertag: KSI SnowQueen Forums Account Link/ @KSI SnowQueen Reasons they deserve this award: This Member/ Gen has went from the quiet little mouse to a very out spoken individual. She tries to come off scary and it is funny at times, but she is starting to remind me of someone. I have watched her grow of the last year and i would have to say she has came along way in a short time. I believe she knows her squad and what they want most of th time, better then some of the other Gen's we have had in the past. I have heard and seen some of her ideas come to life in her squad and am very impressed with how she has changed things for her squad. For these things and more she truely deserves this honor. Captain: Gamertag: KSIGinObiwan Forums Account Link / @KSIGinObiwan Reasons they deserve this award: Well this guy what can I say?! hum or ever do I start! He was just going to be a member and not change his gamertag! Well I think watching his Gen and hearing things that were going on in his squad and the Division just changed his mind! He made that comment that he was going to be a Gen in DL and I was not sure what to say but "go for it" and he did just that. He has some great ideas and works well with all his officer's below and above him. He also works well with the other squad officer's and Gen's to make game nights fun with in DL. I have watched as he has climbed to the where he is today and he worked hard to get himself into that seat. As a captain I watched as he surrounded himself with his squad members and made sure they all knew he was there to help them in anyway he could, be it listening or gaming or just setting in a party having fun. He has earned his stripes with this squad. For this and More he deserves this honor. Lieutenant: Gamertag: KSI Lilducky Forums Account Link / @KSI LilDucky Reasons they deserve this award: Talk about your quiet but deadly members. LOL Well this one has tons of questions and is not afraid to ask them. She is not willing to let anyone side step her on her way. When she decided to become and officer, their were those that were not so sure that KSI SnowQueen had made a good decision. But I am here to tell you this was a good one, as I have watched and mentored this member from time to time to help her on her way. She is one that will be the first to tell you that is breaking the COC. She is willing to help others and to be helped at the same time, which I have rarely seen here lately. She will step up and listen to anyone needing to chat and is willing to help those that need help with games that she has. If she doesn't have the game she is willing to go the extra mile and find someone who does have that game to help them out. For All This and More KSI Lilducky deserves this honor! yep yep yep She is not a Duck! SSGT: Gamertag: KSI DARKPARADOX Forums Account Link / @KSI DARKPARADOX Reasons they deserve this award: Watching this one grow has been an experience like no other other. Each officer grows at their own pace and this one is going to do great things. He as started to come out of a shell I didn't thing he was going to for a short time. He is doing more with his officer's and members then is expected and I believe he will continue with the right mentoring and leadership. With the questions that he is asking and the way he is learning things he will be able to do great things. For this and more I believe he deserves this. SGT: Gamertag: KSISmokieFudge2 Forums Account Link / @smokiefudge72 Reasons they deserve this award: This one had a little bit of a rough start. He was unsure of weather or not he was going to change his gamertag or not and when he did change it, only to find out he would have to change it again as the first time it didn'[t aloud him to add 72 so he only added the 7. But he was very understanding and changed it to add just the 2. But he works side by side with the officers and tries to help out when he can. But he has become a asset to his squad none the less. He is making changes a little at a time but is there for those who are willing to join a party and has helped his fellow members in other ways! For this and More he deserves this. CPL: Gamertag: KSI AnimeLord Forums Account Link / @KSI AnimeLord Reasons they deserve this award: This one is a unique individual. He was able to make it to a SSGT position, but do to life and family had to step down. He said when things changed he would try again when the time is better. He knew he was going to hurt his squad and was able to do the right thing until the timing was right and he is now trying again to become an officer that his squad needs and help his fellow officer's. I can't wait to see what this one is going to be able to do now that he can put his mind to the task at hand. For this and More he deserves this. Forums Staff (Mods, Senior Mods, Admins): Department Head: Department Member: Member(Overall best member of the community for the year): Gamertag: KSI Xeno God Forums Account Link / @gespi Reasons they deserve this award: This member/ Officer I have watched for a very long time, He has changed his gamertag a couple a times alone the way. But he has managed to be able to handle any thing that we throw at him and that life has thrown at him in his personal life, and still managed to make it to a CPT seat. He is always willing to listen to anyone and help anyone that he can with what ever the need may be in KSI or within his squad. He is always there with his positivity and is always there to make sure we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, when we think there is none! He always manages to make me smile when I am dealing with my pain and need a pick me up. for this he deserves this award and more.
  3. Link to Forums Account: @KSIfiremomma7 Award-/-Achievement: 2019 Donors Award Reason-/-Evidence:
  4. OTM instead of a just a SGT HOW ABOUT ADDING A SSGT ALSO
  5. Name: KSIfiremomma7 Link to Forums Account: @KSIfiremomma7 Award-/-Achievement: Twitch Sub Award Reason-/-Evidence:
  6. Yes I can Confirm he is in Ares DL
  7. Map Holder: KSIfiremomma7 Division: DL Best Viewing Time (between 12 - 6:30 EST June 23rd): anytime
  8. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI TexAngel 7 DIR DL Link to forums account - @KSI TexAngel 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - She is one Director that has not given up on any Div she has been over. She has been there for me even when she was not over DL ! She is a great mentor and is always there when anyone in KSI needs help. She is always there when I have needed to Vent and when I'm done will ask so now what are you going to do to fix this ! For this and more Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DropShot 7 DL/FO Link to forums account - @Mr. DropShot Reasoning why they deserve this - He will achieve what ever goal he sets for himself. He is there not only for DL but for other members of DL. He is some one who has his hands in everything, as I put ( he is in a lot of departments). He is a fast learner and will be a great Div Leader when it is he time! Drop is the heavy when he thinks I am being to soft. Drop will help anyone wanting to learn and is always teaching others willing to learn. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Shadowo45 GEN DL/Athena Link to forums account - @KSI Shadowo45 Reasoning why the deserve this - I believe this guy will go far. Shadow is there for his squad members as well as any member in DL that comes to him. He is always in parties with member and will to game with anyone in DL. He has learned a lot in the last few months and has shown that he will meet any goal that he sets for himself. He has even helped members by purchasing games, DLC'S, and name changes. He has shown that he will continue to be a great leader and 7 when it is his time to move up. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Follow 3CPT DL/Ares Link to forums account - @KSI Follow Reasoning why they deserve this - This member has shown that he is willing to help out in any way possible. He has joined several Departments and always informing members of what is new and upcoming events, etc. He is always there to train any one that needs it, as well as game or just seat in a party and chat with. I believe he will be a great Gen when he has the chance to be one and will go even farther in KSI. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Dundarrach 3LT DL/ Nemesis Link to forums account - @KSI Dundarrach Reasoning why they deserve this - Since he has joined KSI, he has shown he will be a great asset to KSI. He has continued to grow and is willing to ask any question needed to help him on his way up the ranks in KSI. He is willing to game and/ or help anyone out. He is always willing to host game nights and meeting when ever someone is unable to. He is always looking for new recruits and help others learning to recruit. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI SnowQueen 4LT DL/ Nemesis Link to forums account - @KSI SnowQueen Reasoning why they deserve this - Since she has become a part of KSI, She has become friends with anyone that joins her parties. She is willing to help anyone she can out and has become a great asset to Nemesis DL. She will ask questions in order to move up the ranks and is willing to help out with game nights and meetings. She is always in a party with members of KSI and willing chat with anyone that joins her party. She works very well with everyone that she comes into contact with and the officers in her squad and other squads.
  9. Team Captain: KSIfiremomma7 Division: DL Teammate: KSI Hexyphenia Division: DL Teammate: KSI DARKPARADOX Division: DL
  10. Senior Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gambit 7 link to forums account - @KSI Gambit 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Well this will be a hard one to do! Gambit has done some many things to help me out with DL! He stuck with me from CO FO to where I am now. Even when through the Rough Patches that I got myself into. He has taught me a lot and is always teaching me. He has helped to make me the Div Leader that I am today. Even when he hasn't been over DL, He was there for any question when the Director for DL wasn't there. He set me on the right path many times and even when I didn't realize what he was doing. He is there to question my every move on what direction I was going to try and take DL in. He will put me on the spot for any thing from promotions to any fluff in the Div. He has held me accountable for all of this and more. For this and several other reasons I believe he deserves this award. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division / Squad) - KSI TexAngel 7 Link to forums account - @KSI TexAngel 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Well here it is ! She was there for me and teaching me things every time I came to her with questions as a CO FO, When all the 7's in DL decided to level in the same day. She was a Div Leader then and saw something in me at the time I didn't. She has helped me to become a better person and to communicate with others when I was unable to trust that they were there to help. She has been there through a lot of my Private chats to hear me throw a fit and then she would ask me " So what are you going to do " or " Are you done so we can go to work and fixing things now?" I know I have put her through the ringer with things like that, but she still stood by me and made sure I knew what I was doing. Now that she is not over DL anymore, she is still there and willing to tell me when I am wrong and make sure I get right back up and going down the right path. KSI TexAngel 7 has earned this award and will hopefully continue to rise in the ranks to become even more to KSI, Because she will help anyone with anything and let you know when you are in the wrong! There are plenty more things I could say about this Lady who will keep doing great things as long as she is able to. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DropShot 7 COFO Link to forums account - @Mr. DropShot Reasoning why they deserve this - This member has always gone above and beyond for his squads and division. He is there for any one that wants to learn or just enjoy gaming. He have seen him setting on Home and in parties just to be chatting with different members. If there is an issue within one of the squads, He is always available by xbox, or discord. He makes sure the members are aware of anything that is going on or needs to be handled to make DL run more smoothly. I believe he will go far in KSI and when the times come, He will make a great Founder. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Shadowo45 GEN ARES DL Link to forums account - @KSI Shadowo45 Reasoning why the deserve this - He is there for his members and is one that has made sure he has trained his officers to the best of his abilities. He will game and help anyone with any game if he has it. He has learned to not only think about what is best for his squad but has learned to think about what is best for DL as a whole. He has became a good officer and I believe he will become and even better 7 when he time comes. He has shown his officers that even though he is a Gen that he can still recruit right along side of them. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI SasquatchX Link to forums account - @KSI SasquatchX Reasoning why they deserve this - Well this member here has made it to Gen now twice. His squad loves him and respects him, because he will stand up for them. He has made officers and trained them, as well as will ask for their options on what they as a whole need to do to make their squad stronger and make it grow. I have seen him work with some rough around the edges individuals and shown them how to become officers as well as better members in KSI. He as shown me how to deal with some individuals when they were out of hand and didn't know me well enough. He is always in parties with his squad members and with others from different divs. He is there to walk you through a game that you are having trouble with to just having a chat when life is frustrating. For all this and more he deserves this award. He had figured out how to help his squad and his Div and will become a great 7 when it is he time. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Atrain8896 1st LT Nemesis DL Link to forums account - @Atrain8896 Reasoning why they deserve this - I have been around this member since he was in DL Death Squad. He has grown a lot and I believe he will go far in KSI. He is a friend to everyone he meets and doesn't judge anyone. He is always there for his squad and when something needs done, all you have to do is let him know it needs done and he will get it done. He is always asking what he need to do to get to the next set in his climb. He does promotions and will recruit anytime, he hosts game nights and meeting anytime he can. He deserves to have this honor. Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Follow 4th CPT Ares DL Link to forums account - @KSI Follow Reasoning why they deserve this - He is very out going person and is friends with everyone. Yes I give him lots of crap but he dishes it back, he is one that will play any game and anytime he is on. He has keep DL well informed with anything that is going on all the time. He is posting in the announcement section on Discord and in the ALL DL CHAT! Regardless of the event going on we may see 3 to 4 times during it that event or when someone is looking for more members to join a department. He is always looking for what he can do next and only asks every once in awhile if there is anything he can help with. He has his hands in several departments and does what he can to try and make things better for KSI and he squad, also his departments. for things he deserves this award. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI gespi SGT Ares DL Link to forums account - @gespi Reasoning why they deserve this -This individual is going to be a great officer when his time comes. He is one to go and ask lots of questions and is willing to help anyone out including officers in his squad. He chats with everyone and is always in parties try his best from gaming to helping someone with a problem.
  11. Follow is always around and is willing to help anyone. All you need to do is ask him if you have something that needs done or if there is someone that is needing training, He is will to do what ever is needed to help anyone in DL Div or that needs help and he is able to do so. He is there to assist in anyway he can possible. He is a great assistance to anyone who needs it. If you are playing a game and he has that game and you need help, he will join and help with what ever you are trying to do .
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