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KSI Brittany

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KSI Brittany last won the day on June 23 2016

KSI Brittany had the most liked content!


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  • Gamertag
    Black x Famine
  • Date Recruited
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    Last Strike
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  1. KSI Asuna http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34002-ksi-arsyn/ General Of The Month Forsaken LS Asuna since the moment she became an officer has always gone above and beyond he duties to help the squad. The moment she became gen she motivated the entire squad in order for us to split, which we had been stuck at for months. Within days, we were not only at split status but far beyond the recommended numbers required. In the rebuild of the squad, Asuna continued recruiting and motivated once again everyone else to do so. When she would come across potential, she would work extra hours to ensure she could purchase name changes for those who wished to move up and did not have funds for name changes, despite her financial issues at home. Asuna is a prime example of what a leader should be, she cares about her members, and goes above and beyond to ensure she builds friendships with each and every member that comes into her squad, aswell as giving them the knowledge to make sure they succeed.
  2. Gamertag: KSI AsunaLink to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34002-ksi-arsyn/Award- / -Achievement: Helping HandReason- / -Evidence: Paying for a member/previous members name change. Aswell as providing assistance in the purchase of an Xbox One console.-: Black x Famine (KSI Brittany) Santana Pierce (KSI Snixx) -/- KSI Pumpkin.Asuna despite her hard times at home still went above and beyond to ensure that she could purchase an Xbox One console for myself and my wife so that we could both pursue our interests in joining KSI. Not only that she has also taken it upon herself to as of late purchase name changes for aspiring Corporals who she believes will achieve success in the future.
  3. -Nudge, nudge.- 

    psst. hey. haiii.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KSI Arsyn -

      KSI Arsyn -

      Oh god xD leave me out of this.

    3. KSI Brittany

      KSI Brittany

      Don't hate us cause you ain't us xD

      but again goodnight Ash <3

      See youz tomorrow.

      and San says goodnight as well :ahappy:

    4. KSI Arsyn -

      KSI Arsyn -

      Goodnight guys <3 

      Give San a kiss for me xD and have her give you one from me.


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