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KSI PaladnMouth

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Everything posted by KSI PaladnMouth

  1. Hope you’ve been doing alright, old friend. Big ups for keeping it strong and staying in for this long! :cool:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KSI PaladnMouth

      KSI PaladnMouth

      Thanks man, you guys on PC now as well? Or still just Xbox?

    3. KSI xKing 7DS

      KSI xKing 7DS

      Still Xbox but you can join if you play like cross plat games on your PC. Like cod rocket league apex etc. 

    4. KSI PaladnMouth

      KSI PaladnMouth

      Alright, alright. Will have to put in some thought. 

  2. I claim Hebrew my mentor, he's brought me into KSI and has given me great advice and even pushes people to strive for better. He gives himself little credit, for the big things he's done to help out.
  3. KSI PaladnMouth Divine Reign Of course I like pie!!
  4. Gamertag: KSI ApBlis 7 Rank: DR Co-Fo Link to profile: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35643-ksi-apblis-7/ Reason: Ever since I joined KSI, almost a year ago, she's pushed me to be a great leader an mentor for others. But, she's always been my mentor since I joined TROCITY, the split to PARAGON, the Div change from LS to DR, and even now that she's a Co-Fo and I'm the General of PARAGON, I still look up to her as my mentor, and she is always pushing me to strive to be great!
  5. Hoping everything is going great in TROCITY! Crazy to think we're both Gens now, but it's reality. What's the name of your profile song? I like it, just don't know the name. :P  

  6. General KSI ApBlis 7 (DR Co-Founder) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35643-ksi-apblis-7/ She was the General, and pushed all of her officers and members to strive for something greater. She kept positivity, and when there was a problem she never hesitated. She never went over her head with issues, but dealt with many. And since moving to DR from LS she's been pushing me and KSI REX to make sure we know how to run the squad. She's been a tremendous help inside and outside KSI. I know that is I have a problem and I'm unsure I can ask her, or if I just don't feel okay she's there to talk to. She's the Mom of the squad, and makes sure everyone feels welcomed. Member KSI iPreVail (Staff Sergeant) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39060-ksi-iprevail/ This guy, he's been pushing hard to make our squad grow, and definitely keeps my officer staff and I busy. Bringing in recruits daily, making meeting, workshops, and even having a great time doing it. He's definitely dedicated and I know that when someone needs to be trained he'll be doing it in a matter of minutes. He's always on top of his game and I'm proud of him as a member.
  7. How has it been? Push TROCITY to be great!!


  8. Divine Reign KSI PaladnMouth
  9. Gamertag: KSI iPreVail Link to Forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39060-iprevail-xxx/ Award: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason: This member has over 20,000 Gamerscore!
  10. Gamertag: KSI PsychoPanda Link to Forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/21182-ksi-psychopanda/ Award: Gamerscore Hoarder. Reason: This member has over 20,000 Gamerscore.
  11. Gamertag: KSI PsychoPanda http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/21182-ksi-psychopanda/ This member has over 20,000 Gamerscore.
  12. Gamertag: KSI iPreVail http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39060-iprevail-xxx/ This member has over 20,000 Gamerscore!
  13. KSI Dreaded 7 Current Rank: Co. Div Category nominating for: Co-Division Leader of the year. Forums link to profile: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/14550-ksi-dreaded-7/ Reason: An issue occurs and he's right there to help solve it. Have had talks with him about issues so we could see an issue and resolve it together. Called him Great grandpa as a joke when I first became an officer, but he does fit the role. He's always there to talk to if you are unsure on an issue, and will listen and talk with you about any problems/questions You have. I haven't seen him as someone who is negative, and he definitely has motivated me to become the best officer I can be. I strive to make him proud, as well as all of PARAGON, LS, KSI, because he is that great of a person at his job. I've been in many General meetings when mine couldn't make it, and I never was mad about it because Dreaded is someone I enjoy talking to because he keeps the spirits of LS positive. I maybe the Dad of PARAGON, but he is the Dad of LS. KSI Bearded 7 Current rank Founder Category Nominating for: Cofounder of the year Forums profile link:http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/31064-ksi-bearded-7/ Reason: He has made a tremendous effort into getting to know our squad and giving advice to help motivate us members. He every once in a while pops onto a backwards compatible game and joins are parties just to hang out. Really look up to this guy as a leader, among a few others I've gotten to know. He deserves this reward for being an amazing 7. On a side note, these 2 have played a big role in keeping me motivated because I always think of what I've talked to them about. Never have I thought they did anything wrong and since meeting them their presence is enough to motivate me to move forward, if anyone deserves these rewards, I feel it is them.
  14. Name Gamer Tag : KSI lCE Profile Link : http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/38834-ksi-rex%E2%84%A2/ Current Rank : 3rd LT Category Nominating for : Member Of The Year Reason: I have no clue what to call him... Thanantos? Spartacus? Rex? lCE? Sally? No idea, but what I do know is that he has been an amazing officer to work with, and since I had orientated him things have always been positive and he's always wanted to move the squad forward. He works hard with me to keep everyone positive and pulls me into workshops to help him if he needs it. I've seen what he is capable of and I believe he deserves this reward. He has worked hard, way too hard to not get recognition. He is someone that I can go to, to assist with a situation, or have him take over the issue and I know it'll be handled appropriately. Love this guy like a bro, and he's definitely showing his support in the squad and for members within and outside of it. You ever need a laugh, you'll always find me and him ready to keep things positive. Name Gamer Tag : KSI lCE Profile Link : http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/38834-ksi-rex%E2%84%A2/ Current Rank : 3rd LT Category Nominating for : Writer of the Year Reason: I have read all of his articles as of late, and have been in one of his interviews. He captures you with his descriptions in the review, and talks about us as a second family, and while doing so you can feel the emotion. In the interviews he doesn't slander words, but maybe shortens it because he can't type fast. He's professional about it, and will make it a great time. I've heard about what's going on with the News Team, and he's definitely has shown that he is dependable. Working hard to get his articles in. He definitely deserves this reward also, as he has been pushing to keep them motivated!
  15. Name Gamer Tag: KSI HEBREW http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/36177-ksi-hebrew/ Current Rank: 1ST CAPTAIN Category Nominating for: captain of the year Reason: He has brought me into this world of KSI, and he's always been there. He's been pushing me forward and I strive to make sure he's proud. He has helped me with many personal things and whenever there was an issue within the squad, I wasn't afraid to bring it to him because I know he'd be able to deal with it. He has always been helping others and hosting raids on Destiny, always willing to come in and help, he'll even give someone his spot on the Fireteam to someone else, regardless on if he wants to do the raid. He's always willing to help.
  16. I'm here for you, whenever you need me, don't forget that when you're in your darkest times, I'm here to help you through it. LU...:console:

  17. Gamertag: KSI KiLLER KiNG Current Rank: Co-Founder Category Nominated For: General of the Year Profile Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35003-ksi-killer-king/ The Reason I Believe He Deserves This Reward: Ever since I joined KSI, KiLLER KiNG has always been around, first as my Gen and as the split to PARAGON he just became someone I would look up to. When I was inside TROCITY he would always come around and talk to the lower ranking members, and wasn't afraid to answer our questions. Whenever something had happened he wouldn't hesitate to come help with the situation. And after the split, he would help my current Gen and me and anyone else who needs/needed help with dealing with a situation. He is always keeping people on their toes, but keeping everyone in high spirits. He is definitely someone who will get his job done. And I believe, he deserves this reward.
  18. KSI Seraphim 7, is someone who I met even before joining KSI, and even then I looked up to him. He has been around helping many and dealing with a lot of situations and is always helping where he can. He is my mentor, and he's made me open my eyes to many situations and has come to hear me out on others.
  19. KSI HHooters http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39061-ksi-hhooters/ Award: Helping Hand She had bought me a 3-month Xbox Live Gold Membership when I was in need. I didnt ask for it, she had offered and bought it on her own accord.
  20. Hey, Love. Thought I'd pop in and say hi. Hehe. I hope you've been alright, and just wanted to let you know that you're and amazing person. LU. :hug:

    1. KSI ApBlis 7

      KSI ApBlis 7

      awwwe! Thank you pally! ^.^ you are amazing too hun! Never give up :P LU Cx :console:

    2. KSI PaladnMouth

      KSI PaladnMouth

      I hope you're feeling better today, Love. And I'm sorry for some of the things I've done, they're all just to make sure you/the squad are alright in the future. 


  21. I've known KSI ApBlis19 since I first joined, before the TROCITY split to PARAGON. She was always fun to be around and would pick me up when I felt down. She was one of the officers and the one who took me under her wing. I would cuss sometimes and she'd yell, "Language" and I decided to say, "Okay, Mom" and the Mom thing stuck, all the way until now. She has been my motivation to reach First Lieutenant, she's shown me what officers can do and I want to push to be as great and amazing as she is. She is a great Gen, and she makes sure no one is alone (Unless they want to be).I believe she deserves this reward because she has pushed and motivated me, and I've seen her push and motivate others and teach them what they need to know.
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