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Everything posted by KSIxRONL68x7

  1. Yes to all Even though it kills me --- lol
  2. I Love Me- Yes Capped Out - Yes
  3. Do I have to fill out a different app for the staff award @KSI Starset 7
  4. I'll go with the staff award " Purity Toxic " @KSI Starset 7
  5. Gamer Tag: KSIxRONL67x7 Award: 2021 Donor Award: I Love Me Link: @KSIxRONL67x7 Evidence: Josh Hickman - negative$15.00 Feb 1DonationLoading transaction details forJosh Hickman - negative$15.00 Feb 1Donation Netspend Prepaid Card MasterCard Card x-5610 You'll see "PAYPAL *donate" on your card statement. $15.00 Paid with Transaction ID 83910656BP300010L Sent to Josh Hickman donate@ksiforums.com Total $15.00 Purchase details Forum Donation $15.00 Item #37656
  6. Gamer tag: KSIxRONL67x7 Award: Donor 2021 Link: @KSIxRONL67x7 Evidence: Starset has the receipt
  7. Well it's 2021 and as it starts out our population shows how stupid they are with the " so called " protests at the capital building. They were not protesters but rioters just out to cause damage and hate towards our government. twenty 23 police officers injured one in critical condition, that is not protesting.

    It discusses me to see this among our population and hate to say I'm an AMERICAN. Sure our government makes a lot of mistakes dealing with domestic and foreign polices but if the people want change then do it in a peaceful manner. Violence will get you nowhere. I hope they bring in all those who did this and they prosecuted to the fullest extent of law.

    This is why we have a LC in KSI, to try and incorporate  new changes within the KSI community. Lets show how a gaming community can govern itself for the better.

  8. Gamer Tag: KSIxRONL67x7 Award: Fresh Start Link: @KSIxRONL67x7 Evidence: Starset has screen shot
  9. Gamer Tag: KSIxRONL66x7 Award: Welcome 2021 Link: @KSIxRONL66x7 Evidence: on the forms
  10. Gamer tag: KSIxRONL66x7 Award: Award Senpai Staff : Airbourne Legion Link: @KSIxRONL66x7 Evidence: In my profile.
  11. New Year is coming and I want to say to all my friends to be safe out there and be smart about drinking and driving. This also goes for KSI in whole, Happy New Year.

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