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KSI CURAG3OUS 7 last won the day on August 15 2012

KSI CURAG3OUS 7 had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 10/23/1914

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    O-H-I-O Go Bucks!!!
  • Interests
    I love football basketball Golf and baseball. I game along fellow KSI :)
  • Gamertag
  • Squad
    Anarchy Wrath Forsaken Seige LS
  • Rank/Title
    LS Co-Founder

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  1. Hows a bout this When I first met Instinct was a Sgt in Wrath and recruited more than anyone else.He was basicalyy the only active person there. So after the general getting grounded for a month and The major doing absolutely nothing He gets promoted to A officers as Lt. and Capt. He ran the squad(without the squad tag) but did a great a job so Wrath went from 30 unactive members te turns it around to 65 membrs that are very active. Now he runs his squad with greatness I see it becoming a very successful.
  2. Yes i Can witness this Im a COFO in LS He works very hard for Wrath so He desevres these awards
  3. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating)KSI CYRUS 45/Anarchy LS Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums...1-ksi-cyrus-45/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for)SWAT and Snipers Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) Hes my Major in my squad and is My SWAT team Captain and he is currently on my Sniper team
  4. I like that idea above^^^^^ Also maybe one like Resurrection but at a Squad level.The squad has to be under 10 members then be at like 95 in some amount of time
  5. Me and Powerhouse are frens in real life and he got 1600 points from a recruiting contest by TEMPLAR and he bought Minecraft with it so ya
  6. he has built up a divsion and has did everything he possibly could for LS and its members. When theres a problem DoubleJ fixes it. Hes a true leader ,who everybody under him can look up to him. He trains every gen to a key to make sure that them and their squad succeds.
  7. When I joined LS it was at about 250 members and as Doubles would call the "dark ages" of LS. DoubleJ has seen LS at his worst and right now at its best. Hes an amazing Div-Leader and deserve these awards.I am a witness to all
  8. Yes I can witness this because I was in the party while Anatomy was on the phone with Shadow Bird and gave him some 2day codes for it.....hes gathered about 11 cards
  9. I will try to get Coden or DoubleJ To post if thats fine
  10. TDOGG has helped me through out my KSI carerr and I consider him a mentor to me.
  11. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Coden 777 Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...-ksi-coden-777/ Reasoning why the deserve this -This guy does almost everything he can possibly do for LS,DR,SR. When there is a Problem Coden is all over it. Coden stays in touch with everyone in his divsions. He been one of the major reaseons where LS is right now. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI DoubleJ 7 Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...9-ksi-double-j/Reasoning why the deserve this Double J has helped LS this past month go from to 400 members to 650.He helps everybody and anybody from pvts to Co-Div.Hes always playing custom games with everybody.He has played the most important role why where LS it is today . Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Anatomy 7 Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...-ksi-anatomy-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this -ANatomy has been a great role model in LS for everybody. He helps everybody he can. Hes been helping KSI SLASH 100 whos been a Gen for about two and half weeks to help rebuild Nuclear who went under a huge fluff removal. He watches over his squads great. When theres a problem hes there to clean it up. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Templar 777 Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...938-tm₱lar-777/ Reasoning why the deserve this -Templar is the manager of the LS battle rights team and makes it as fun as possible.He helped Wrath while it had about 30 members a month ago now it has 70 members.Templar recruits more than anybody I know. He always is Going above and beyond For LS
  12. Our CoFo KSI Anatomy 7 is on a week vaction but i can witness that i was his gen wen he swat capt of Anarchy
  13. Where do i start Anatomy has helped me since i joined KSI hes helped me the most out of all my mentors.Rrom sgt to Gen hes been there to help me If anybody deserves this award it definately him
  14. Thanks for that it worked
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