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  • Birthday 07/11/1997

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    Xbox mecanic's computers
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  • Date Recruited
    24/05/2016 01/21
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  1. KARMA IS AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Gamertag: KSI SUFFOLKNFAR Division:Legendary Warriors
  3. HYPNOS. come on guys step it up lets get recruiting and get those game nights popping again. so shopzna's on LOA if you want to host a game night come to me ill send messages out and get them out there. So we lost pineapple. big loss. big deal. doesn't mean we have to loose our minds. lets not give up. you dont want hypnos to fall i dont want hypnos to fall. so stop leaving and do something about it. get recruiting any capitain in lw can do security checks. yeah we all miss pineapple but moaning and leaving wont bring her back. we have shopzna now. so when he gets back lets welcome him with a surprise not bring him into a mess. lets rise like a pheonix and become a better squad. and lets make hypnos the best squad in lw 


  4. Pineapple. your awesome. keep up the good work. GOLIATH. you guys have the best gen i have ever met. so watch her and learn from her. you can learn a lot from a person like this and you will become better people from knowing her. she's like the best person iv'e met in KSI yet. 

  5. your awesome congratulations on your promotion SSGT

  6. SSGT KSI SUFFOLKNFAR checking in

  7. whats up hypnos. hows everyone doing?


  8. shout out to my GEN @KSI xPineapple thanks for being an awesome GEN. and to my 2 favorite officers 1LT and 3LT @KSI Shopzna and @KSI Graffiti for referring and recruiting me thanks guys. just wanted to say your making my experience in KSI enjoyable and i appreciate the work your putting into HYPNOS. you guys are awesome. HYPNOS LW ooh rah 


  9. @KSI xAshlyn awesome gaming m8 catch you tomorrow 

  10. hello KSI members. i know im only a recruit at the moment but i would like to offer a friendly ear to any member who needs it regardless of age rank or faction if your going through some tough stuff and need someone to listen or give advice or just generally support you i am here and i am on kik if you need other contact details just ask and my screen name is my gamertag just remove the underscores and put spaces instead like this SUFFOLK N FAR. other than that have fun everyone and good luck out there

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