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Hank J Wimblton

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About Hank J Wimblton

  • Birthday 08/23/2001

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  • Interests
    Lots of different video game types and genres. I Like listening to any style of music, but I have a preference of Metal. I love movies, Anything from Disney to horror movies to Harry Potter to The Godfather. I don't watch tv, I do watch Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story and the Walking Dead. I like watching the occasional badass anime such as Akira, Princess Monochokee, Berserk, Hellsing, DBZ and SAO.
  • Gamertag
    KSI Hank J
  • Date Recruited
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    Dark Legion
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  1. Legend of Zelda Ocarino of time and Majoras Mask, Halo and Halo 2s soundtracks. The legend of Dragoon (EPIC music), Megaman X6 (Boss fight music and certain level music is amazing), Guitar Hero 2s entire set list, Duke Nukem 3D's level music. Destinys Soundtrack (My favorites being Crotas End Raid Boss Music and the Secret Level in Lost to Light(Black Spindle)) , Castlevania SOTN entire soundtrack, Sonic the hedgehogs 1-2-3 and Knuckles (the originals) music, my Favorite being sonic 3. FF7s music of course, I would say sky rim but Fallout Pip Boy Music has it beat by miles. Bioshock 1 and 2 have some pretty fantastical music aswell very creepy and moody. And I'm sure my list is far from incomplete, but that's off the top of my head.
  2. I recently watch marlon brandos movie The Wild One, and it helped me prepare for my new Favorite movie I watched directly afterwards. I heard a great many things about The GodFather and a lot of people said it was a long movie but since that's never bothered me before I had the chance to watch this golden gem recently and I must say it truly is a masterpiece. It's an epic crime drama of mind blowing perportions. I think seeing Al Pacino in Scarface a few years ago helps aswell. Both of these actors totally Kill it and the story will have you laughing and crying and it keeps you interested the whole way through. Defintely a recommended watch if you haven't seen it.
  3. Trials is back! Wooo! Let's lighthouse sometime amigo!

  4. Welcome to KSI! Glad to have you in APOLLO.

  5. Season 6 Episode 9 of Game of Thrones! Lastnight, OMG!
  6. And Hell Followed With - A Welcome Displeasure
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