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Everything posted by KSI EXODUS 7

  1. Name :KSI EXODUS 7-/ Divine Reign http://www.ksiforums...7-ksi-exodus-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Jack Of All Trades Reason-/-Evidence : I have completed more then 5 workshops back Double Helix and ive went on to take 101 and passing it as of September 18 2012.
  2. The Shape shifting Mirror-image flash phototype

  3. Division Leader KSI Arc 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/21-ksi-arc-7/ Reasons: After the Crisis that broke out in DH Arc had to step up from Co-Founder to lead a broken Division, Ive never seen someone endure so much and still have enough energy to keep going. Then in Dr He faced a problem of repairing what others destroyed just like in DH. When he stepped to Div leader he changed the face of Dr and what it stood for. A commendation that a lot of the ranks below never seen before and is thankful to have. Co-Division Leader KSI EXODUS 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/367-ksi-exodus-7/ Reason: Through thick and thin ive always made sure i put my members and Division first, When we had a gap in leadership i was there around the Clock helping every member out no matter the rank, I even extend my services to Members in other Divisions who feel more comfortable coming to me then their own leaders. Im always in party's with members playing MW3 or BF3, I go to others people just to see how they are doing and seeing if they are happy with where they are and what they do. Ive always been there in times where The Division Leader was Absent taking on the duties of that rank, Hosting and attending meeting and never missing a single meeting within Our Division. Founder KSI Christ 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/61-ksi-christ-77/ Reason: Coming into this Division as a Co-founder i had my doubts, i didnt know if he still had the drive to keep going. and a few times where he went MIA on us. But as time went on, He proved to everyone in the Division that he still got what it takes. As Founder he only further improved himself. I cant think of a single member Hasn't seen or heard Christ, He always ontop of Issues that come about and he promotes positive work with members, doing Leaders Workshops and Security awareness, just going above and beyond. Co-Founder KSI Exl http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/79-ksi-exl/ Reason: Exl Was promoted back in DH but had to take a unfortunate leave of absence, When he came back DH was already in ruins, Exl ended up taking a LT rank in Legends, Exl worked his butt off for months getting his squad up and running and even managing to split another squad as General Earning his Co-Founder spot back in full. Ever since He's always been there managing his three squads, He is seen as the go-to guy for problems in Dr for his skill in solving issues and his calm mellow attitude toward everyone in the Division.
  4. From a Divisional perspective, Christ fulfilling all the requirements of His Founder Rank to the fullest is accurate. Just going by what the award says, In my unbiased opinion despite all that is said about him Arc and i have both witness him improve way beyond expectation. He's everywhere in Dr helping everyone out. If there is a Better Founder that can compete then ill give credit when its due regardless.
  5. I agree with Airborne, ill be a witness to his training and the number of members that he had taught
  6. Thats fair enough with me, id have to agree with it now that i think about it.
  7. I believe we should start doing award for Clan ops, much like Head hunters we can give one for being in Clan ops as an entry level Award and another for making top five or 6 in a Clan ops events.
  8. Name: KSI EXODUS 7 Divine Reign Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...7-ksi-exodus-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Committed Award, HeadHunters Reason-/-Evidence: I been waiting on these for about a year and kinda forgot. My witness to My year in KSI is Christ 77, KSI Exl. Also in addition to that i have a picture of my General Dog Tags and the date on them in my gallery. HeadHunters: Carbon Double Helix, I was captain of a headhunters team. KSI Arc 7 is my witness to that as well along with KSI Exl, KSI Villian.
  9. Im listening to Photek feat. Linche - Sleepwalking
  10. DH is down but never out

  11. Being sick as a Dog is a understatment 4 me

  12. eating some food tomorrow and drinking some wine

  13. eating some food tomorrow and drinking some wine

  14. building another custom computer

  15. building another custom computer

  16. im all old school with it, nothing but 90's and below with the exception of a few like Kanye and Jay z but Bonethugs in harmony is my favorite. i have every album they did, creepin on ah come up all the way to rebirth.
  17. Welcome to the forums KSI EXODUS XXVI :)

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