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KSI HEBREW 7 last won the day on February 24 2018

KSI HEBREW 7 had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 01/02/1987

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  1. I am definitely witnessing for this man to get his award. When I first met akame, I was freshly recruited back into KSI. At that point he was the Co-Division leader and was striving to continue the progress he had made rebuilding LS. Any time I needed anything he was there. Whether it was advice, lessons, a friend to talk to, a mediator, or even just another body in a game night for our members to shoot at lol. He and Killer 7 pushed me to become an officer and did a damn good job training me the new ways of KSI. After I became a captain, we lost akame and the struggle began.. things went south and eventually I found myself as a Gen that was handed a dying squad. After about a week of solo building I came to terms with the challenge I was dealt it was clear I needed someone that had just as much passion for LS as I had, to help me recuperate the division. That member was Akame. He came back to my squad and became the best right hand man any leader could ask for. Everytime anybody needed anything, he was there just like when I first joined back. He was always in parties educating, comforting, and supporting members and other leaders. He has purchased countless games and gamer tags to help out members and keep them loving the community. As I moved up through the ranks, Akame always kept the same momentum and spread his help and knowledge to more and more of the division as his position warranted it. Him and I rebuilt and saved LS and I couldn't have done it without his amazing help.
  2. As team manager and division leader, I can confirm that these are the HH team members that have been participating.
  3. I have personally witnessed KSI Killer 7 go above and beyond for all of LS almost everyday since I was recruited into Trocity LS as he became a General. Countless times he has dropped his gaming and/or real life to come to the aid of myself and many others. Whether it was for forums help, game help, or even just to make sure you were doing ok. Anytime there has been an issue, he has always made sure that it was handled in the most effective and delicate way. He has always been around to make sure that all the officers were not only upholding their duties but also not having a hard time with them aswell. As a 7 he helped me get on board with the knowledge I needed to be an effective general. There were a few times where I felt like it was too much and I would reach out to him as a last lifeline and he would show me that it was a simple thing that I was overlooking, or I was just worrying too much haha. Either way on a professional level and also on a friend level, this man has gone way, WAY, above and beyond for not just LS, but anybody that has reached out for him. No matter how crazy it was.
  4. There's something missing from your profile :ahappy:

  5. KSI Bearded 7 has assisted me countless times with answers to general questions regarding KSI. I have witnessed dozens of times he has done this for anybody that needs assistance.
  6. KSI HHooters has helped me with many questions dealing with KSI whenever I've needed it. Member Assistance is an understatement but she deserves the award.



  8. I can vouch that KSI Seraphim 7 has been a great mentor for me aswell. He has been a great superior to look to for anything that might not be clear to someone trying to broaden their knowledge on anything involving KSI. He takes time out of his day at almost any time to help with issues and also puts together great workshops for members looking to learn. Even if he wasn't able to run a workshop he would reach out to the officers and help teach them how to run workshops and effectively help others learn more about KSI. He has always pushed us to be our best and accepted nothing less. I view him as a mentor in many ways and so do a great deal of other officers and members.
  9. I will testify! Killer King has been one heck of a help to not just my development as an officer, but many others. He has been friendly and polite with all of his members but at the same time demanded only the best out if his squad. Any question that anybody has had about KSI protocols has been swiftly answered by him everytime with precise detail. He has also always pushed his officers to do well and rise through the ranks in a positive manner. Even during his crazy work days he has been able to respond and help when he was needed. He's always been a workhorse and a good role model for members to follow and learn from. From welcoming the new recruits to reaching out to troubled members, this man has been there for all of us on every level KSI related and even as a friend. He never stops. In my eyes he deserves it.
  10. :ahappy: "One of the most powerful lessons in life is to recognize that no one can give you power, and many people don’t want you to have it. You have to find the courage to seize it, own it and hold on!"

    just gonna leave this here for you. 


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