I'm am enjoying KSI a lot ever since I came back. Being in departments and ranking up is fun. Love the duties just gives me motivation to get on and do things. It is aggravating but it's more fun. Love it !
Gamertag: KSI KingArthur1
Link to Account: @KSI KingArthur1
Award: Icebreaker
Reason: I got links for proof. One link is has two nomination. They 5 separate people.
Going back in time. I think it will be nice of y'all did some Dodgeball on Bo4.
Members vs 7s
7s have there team and others who wanna participate has there team and we can see how many teams can beat the 7s.
Where the 7s
Link to Profile: @KSI RHUBARBxPIE
Award: Helping Hand
Reason: She bought me 1 month Xbox Live Gold when I couldn't afford it.
Gamertag: KSI KingArthur1
Link to Forums: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/36139-ksi-kingarthur1/
Award: on Point / Airborn Legion
Reason: I have 19 awards on forums.
Gamertag / Forums Name
@Darth Kakashii
@KSI nighmare
@KSI Ghostdawg
(Few others don't have forums account)
Award: Train the Trainer
Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop.
Profile Link if possible
Gamertag: KSI forzt08, KSI nighmare
Links to Forums: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/47795-ksi-nighmare/
Award: Helping Hand
Reason: These two have bough Gamertag changes for memeber(s).
Gamertag: KSI Skarzx 77
Link to Forums: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/42869-scarface-77/
Award: Mad Max
Reason: Skarzx has went through alot with KSI and has kept is cool and continued to help grow the squads/Division. This guy has gone crazy through his time. I'm honored to nominate him this award and hope he gets it.