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My Momentâ„¢

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Everything posted by My Momentâ„¢

  1. the challenge is drive from NY to lawrence,ma under 2 hours can i do it?

  2. the challenge is drive from NY to lawrence,ma under 2 hours can i do it?

  3. Salt all in my wounds Hear my tears all in my tunes Let my life loose in this booth Just for you, motha****a, hope y'all amused

  4. Salt all in my wounds Hear my tears all in my tunes Let my life loose in this booth Just for you, motha****a, hope y'all amused

  5. dude he is not spamming he is just agree with wat u said
  6. please dont talk Poop about me

    1. KSI CraziAngel

      KSI CraziAngel

      Can I talk pee about you??

  7. Requirementes/MW3, CPT-GEN GAME MODES -HQ (HeadQuarters) -DOMINATION -TEAM DEFENDER LT hosted games and team leader host PRAC 2 day a week for 30min to all KSI members All games will be hosted on Fri,Sat,Sun 4v4 div. vs div. First game will be hosted on Oct/6/12 its going to be TW vs ET If you want more info look at KSI KING JAY bio Wins and lost will be taking track of Hosted By KSI KING JAY
  8. tonight who ready for some shots :)

  9. tonight who ready for some shots :)

  10. Senior Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Blitzer 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - He has shown his interest in KSI in many ways Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ROMAN 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Awesome guy, Amazing leader. Holds KSI's values throughout every decision he makes regarding our community. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI CheddarBob7 Reasoning why they deserve this - he takes time in the middle of a game to go handle and lil problem that is goin on Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI PRIEST 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - hes like a boss Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI LUDACRIS 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - his a chill person Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxMetal 777 Reasoning why they deserve this - hes good at what he does General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI KING CEAZAR Reasoning why they deserve this -he build the squad from weak to strong now
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