Gamertag - KSI Skillz 7 Founder RP
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Reasoning why the deserve this - Since my squad (Warlords RP) split from DL I have found Skillz to be a superb example of what a senior division leader should be. He has taken the time to not just listen to ideas or suggestions I've brought to him, but if one of those suggestions or ideas had merit (in the eyes of both him and our CoFo iBOMBz 7), he has gone ahead and implemented them. While I appreciate this greatly, what impresses me the most is how he has made a sincere effort to get to know not just the GENs in charge of his squads, but also the CPTs who run the squads on a day to day basis. Making an effort to show those below you that you value their opinions and trust in their ability to perform their duties is, in my eyes, exactly the type of leadership that getting a new Division up and running requires.
Inlcuding 1CPTs in GEN meetings to both get them ready to be GENs themselves but also to make sure they are fully up to speed in case they have to step in for their GEN at a moments notice.
Introducing himself personally to the JR Officers in RP Squads.
Encouraging inter-Squad communication.
Not fixing what ain't broken - he has shown that if the officers in a Squad had demonstrated their ability to handle (most) situations appropriately, he has exhibited his trust in us to continue to do so.
Addendum to above: This attitude has really made officers in my Squad feel as though they are respected, they are listened to and that their effort and work is truly appreciated.
Gamertag - KSI iBOMBz 7, CoFo RP
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Reasoning why the deserve this - iBOMBz has proved to be everything I could have hoped for in a CoFo. The respect I have for my previous CoFo means that my expectations were high and so far BOMBz has proved to be superb. He has actively fostered a culture of mutual respect in RP using an approach very similar to Skillz. He has sought out the opinions and ideas of his CPTs. He has gone out of his way to keep me informed about what is going on in the Division as a whole. His advice and leadership has been spot on and his leadership style has greatly enhanced the morale amongst officers within my Squad.
Getting to know us individually.
Readily providing his contact information not only helps problems get solved quickly, but also fosters a spirit of unity and goes a long way towards ending perceptions of favoritsm.
Insisting on an end to fast promotions and supporting (and taking an active role) in training SSGs for their promotion to LT and LTs to CPTs.
Giving JR Officers a voice adds to the feeling that, in RP, your work as a LT or a CPT is not take for granted.
Gamertag - KSI WARS / GENERAL Warlords RP
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Reasoning why the deserve this - WARS has been my General for nearly my entire tenure in KSI. He has proven himself to be fair, and in my opinion, is a large reason why Warlords has had such an easy transition into our new Division. He has promomoted capable officers, and most importantly, he has trusted them to do their jobs correctly. I attribute a large part of the success and growth of the Squad to his personal leadership and the trust he placed in the people he picked to get done what needed to be done.
Loyalty amongst officers - Officers in Warlords felt valued and respected. We felt as though we enjoyed the trust of our GEN and thus we weren't afraid to take initiative and not only fix problems before they turned into crisis, but also to take actions to keep problems from developing in the first place.
No Demotions of CPTs - WARS picked a total of 4 CPTs from the time Warlords split from Demise to the time we moved from DL to RP. Of those CPTs 2 are now GENs and the other 2 are 1CPTs. WARS showed us the right way to run a squad and we profited from it.
Selection as "GF" Squad of RP: Warlords was thought highly enough to be the GF Squad of the new division created from the DL split. That right there speaks volumes about his job as our GEN.