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Everything posted by Florence

  1. Name: KSIxly SGT PHOENIX SH Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/3602-not-florence/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Committed. Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) Uh, I just got my auto-msg from worst reminding me I've had my forums account for a year earlier this week and since I only joined the forums after I changed my name then I've had a KSI tag for over a year now. Witnesses? Jesus, the only person I am AWARE of that would actually remember me changing my name KSI Docness 7 as he was my GEN in DL back then and since we don't need to dwell on what happened to most o the rest of those guys, only Doc of KSI INVAD3R would know. So.... Docness 7 witness please!
  2. KSI DOCNESS 7 / KSI FI FOUNDER http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2253-ksidocness7/ Award-/-Achievement: OUTSTANDING SERVICE LVL 1 & LVL 2 Reason-/-Evidence: Doc was my GEN back when I was recruited into Demise almost a year ago. He has been my mentor since the day I was promoted to GEN. I cannot think of one member in KSI more deserving of recognition for his service to this wonderful community. He is my mentor (and a mentor to many others as well) and someone I owe so much of my success to. Doc gave me the confidence to found and run the ASC Dept. He has been a steadying influence on me personally as a GEN and every DIV he has been in. When Demise fell, he was integral in bringing it back. When FI was struggling, he willingingly took on the task and responsibility of helping to stabilize an entire division with his wisdom and firm yet fair attitude. He not only takes an interest in the success of his own DIV but of numerous others as well. He never forgets his former officers and I know personally (since many are still very good friends) he encourages us all. Doc is maybe the MOST dedicated KSI member I've come across. His responsibility to the Marines never stops him from coming back stronger and providing his clear vision and cool head. More personally, when I lost my father Doc took a personal interest in my well being, helping me out and always providing a kind word. I consider Doc to be the model of a KSI leader and one of its most important assets. I truly can say I can think of no one more deserving of this recognition.
  3. Happy birthday dad, I miss you.

  4. Happy birthday dad, I miss you.

  5. Sorry - let me repost as MA. Romans is so great at keeping SH section updated. Topics such as DIV/Squad leadership, DIV events announcements and Suggestion are always found to be accurate and helpful. On Skype he always keeps us GENs informed of his plans for the DIV so we are never hit by surprises. He is never above taking the time to hop into parties with new recruits and play games with anyone regardless of rank. He's currently helping the ASC plan a trivia contest so Romans helps out members of our community in numerous ways.
  6. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI HedgeHog GEN/PHANTOM/SH Link to Forums Account: Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Member Assistance Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) A quick look at Hedgies posts and SB activity shows just how seriously he takes promoting KSI members to use the resources of the forums. Questions are answered quickly and politely. The same is true on XBL where his dedication to keeping his squad up to date on everything happening in the community is commendable. KSI HedgeHog is a great resource to all members of the KSI community.
  7. Founder KSI Romans 7 / CO-DIV SH http://www.ksiforums.org/user/940-rom/ Reason: SH has gone from stagnant to killing it and a huge amount of credit has to go to our newly promoted CO-DIV Romans. He has everything a great leader should: patience, intelligence, motivational kill and a great ability to mediate disputes with a diplomatic touch and sense of fairness. He will always take time to help out a DIV member, regardless if they are a Co-Fo or GEN or a newly promoted SGT or LT. He trusts his GENs to run their squads but provides great advice when needed. SH is lucky to have him. Co-Founder KSI Dragons 7 / CO-FO SH (RETIRED) http://www.ksiforums.org/user/18-lagging-7/ Dragons retirement is a huge loss to SH but the reputation he built for superb leadership and dedication to the DIV won't be forgotten. I always appreciate his advice and thanks to Skype he will still provide us with his wisdom from time to time. Dedicated, smart, fair and patient. Everything a Co-Fo should be. Lt. KSI xOrion / 1LT OUTCAST SH (PROMOTED TO 3CPT) http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2627-ksi-xorion/ Orion was a brilliant LT. He showed initiative and dedication that impressed me as being as good as any LT I've seen in my near year in KSI. He has brought in excellent recruits, taken on all the responsibility I've asked of him as his GEN... and done a darn good job at it. Promoting him to CPT was one of the easiest choices of my KSI career.
  8. I'd like to weigh in. Frozen has impressed me greatly since becoming my co-founder for two major reasons. 1) When FN merged with SH, he took a demotion from Founder to Co-Founder. So many leaders would have let self-pity get the better of them and let something like that interfere with the performance of their job but not FROZEN. He's really come in with a positive attitude and a willingness to not only bring in ideas he had from FN but also adapting to the way we do things in SH. Overall the results have been refreshing. 2) The way he's come in and taken over his new role has been refreshing. He's brought great energy and worked really hard to get to know me and my squad. This is really big to me since with him from FN came another large BOPS2 squad he was already very familiar with but he has shown no preferential treatment or anything but an extremely positive method of leadership. I know I speak for everyone in my squad when I say that OUTCAST has benefited greatly from adding this fine leader to our family!
  9. Go to sleep my little time bomb...

  10. And there in lies an issue... I really need to get Devil to witness. We'll see if he does.
  11. I'm very tempted to nix this on my own volition. Based on the AAP's Definition of Outstanding Service (1), I cannot understand the confusion behind this. I was integral in putting together one of the most respected MW3 Squads built. I then held that squad together during the DL DIV split in the position of 1CPT while my GEN was inactive. Since I lacked Access Denied access this included copying down all the GTs on the DL SquadTag and cross checking them against who the new RP SquadTag (by hand) and essentially handling the entire squad for almost 3 weeks without even another CPT. Can my former GEN testify to the sheer amount of effort I put into making Warlords run smoothly? His Account is listed as inactive. When I took over the Squad I ran it just as tightly and well as it had been prior to my GENs promotion. Can my co-fo testify? When things in RP got tough he quit, I started a DIV Officers Chat topic and actively began engaging the other squads to see what we could do during the DIV Leadership crisis. Then my father suddenly died and I stepped down as GEN because in my opinion I wasn't able to do my job to my old standards and so in the interest of protecting what I worked so hard to build, And I didn't simply step away. I made several promises to Senior Leaders that as I was acting in the best interest in the squad I would do everything I could to make sure it stayed together. Every member who wanted to leave I talked into staying, every promise I made was kept. I took a LoA from Clan Ops - after 6 months of going above and beyond at EVERY rank I was at - and that was when I conceived, proposed, founded and implemented the ASC. This was during the period of time I was recovering from my father's death. When I decided I was ready to return to Clan Ops for Black Ops 2 I was given the task of starting, from scratch, a BLOPS2 Squad in my DIV. Someone obviously thought I was a pretty damn good GEN. These are the facts. Overcoming obstacles? I'm not sure if any of you have ever experienced the sudden loss of a parent, but to call it an "obstacle" is a slight understatement. The AAP's guidelines, to me, are as clear as day on this one. Nowhere does it say that the "success" of the ASC must be "quantified"... if it didn't better KSI as a Community, it wouldn't exist. I don't know who, if anyone else, will witness. I find this silly. Silver OS I could understand. All I read is "The ASC isn't active enough". So here this sits, and frankly it makes me look foolish. I urge the AAP Staff to read the Guidelines for the OS I am actually being nominated for. Some have pointed out I received the Bright Idea award for the ASC - but it doesn't state anywhere that a) the ASC makes or breaks my case for OS1 or that somehow BI covers anything in regards to the ASC and it shouldn't be considered in an OS1 nomination. If the AAP decides I do not deserve OS1, then that's fine. Do I think I deserve it? Beyond a shadow of a doubt. Would I like to earn it? Of course, why not? Is it the be-all-end-all of life? Absolutely not, but the AAP Program exists for a purpose and I, like any other member am entitled to make my case.
  12. Perhaps no better witness can be provided than me. When Warlords was chosen to move to RP in the DL DIV Split, I was 1CPT. Our GEN was in the process of a major work schedule change and the three other CPTs had all been transferred out. As a result I was faced with the huge task of all the small administrative details needed to successfully transfer all our members over to a new DIV and get them set up in the new system. Initially Mix had been transferred out as well but THANK god I got him back. He proved invaluable in keeping things running smoothly by assisting me with further boosting our forum activity, running SGTs meetings, keep in touch with me every day and more. Not only did our forum activity increase passed what it was before the split, we were the only squad that kept a perfect record in regards to meetings and meeting notes. We even increased our average meeting attendance by 5-10 members. Warlords came through a situation that could have broken us and maintained the enviably reputation we worked so hard to earn. This would not have been possible w/out MIX.
  13. Devil, my DIR was supposed to post explaining how I helped him on my LoA from clan ops... dunno what happened.
  14. Jut to clarify one part as it applies to the "working hard in the face of adversity" part directly - I conceived, proposed and began the ASC while on LoA from Clan Ops following the death of my father last month.
  15. I will vouch for Assistance. MIX3R was a superb 1CPT in clan-ops and very much helped me to propel our Squad's forum activity well beyond any other Squad in the DIV. His calm and patient approach to helping new members get acquainted not only with our Squad but also how to use the forums was a boon. He helped me out on numerous occasions (Filling in at GEN meetings, running 1 of the squad meetings, helping with background checks etc) and he definitely deserves this. As far as affiliate - I'm not sure if this means you're a member of the News Team of GFX Team so I can't really say. And for "Hot Topic": Since I transferred DIVs I can't personally testify to the benefit of it firsthand, however part of it is based on a topic I originally started (though very much adapted and improved by MIX) that received a Hot Topic award so I can't see how this isn't deserved.
  16. Kila you're suggestions are so subjective... how about an "Idealist" award for those who display an genuine attitude (reflected in their actions - suggestions, work on various projects, dedication etc) to better the KSI experience? Or maybe that's kinda already covered...
  17. Not really an idea for a new award but what about having awards come with a KSI Economy Points Bonus, might spur web activity.
  18. Just to explain: I took the idea of a section of the forums that could provide support for members in their academics, wrote a detailed proposal which was accepted by the board, recruited a staff of volunteers - set up a topic where members can ask for assistance on assignments. I have found members with a broad range of expertise and with the right... publicity I suppose I see a bright future for the Academic Support Center.
  19. working on getting the ACS up and running! Check the Education section in the General area of the forums for more info or PM me!

  20. Name: KSIxly currently on LoA for Clan Ops (Formerly of Warlords RP) http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/3602-xlying/ Member Assistance Reason-/-Evidence: Requires 3 Credible Witnesses to Post On My Behalf.
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