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xX NiNjA 7 Xx

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xX NiNjA 7 Xx last won the day on June 26 2012

xX NiNjA 7 Xx had the most liked content!

About xX NiNjA 7 Xx

  • Birthday 04/11/1985

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  • Interests
    Halo, COD, Happy Wars, and gaming and hanging out with all my KSI peeps!!! :)
  • Gamertag
    KSI N1NJA 7
  • Squad
    Wicked Intent
  • Rank/Title
    - Founder -

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  1. Venom WI HH team Team Captain: KSI Sad Tempah 1. KSI Sad Tempah 2. WICKEDxDISASTER 3. KSI AFRO 4. KSI Chocolate Alternate: 1. KSI Speedhelix Approved by KSI Bacchus
  2. Crysis WI was approved by KSI Bacchus and the captain's name is KSI Jericho as I saw the ho was missing so just making the correction Thank you!!!
  3. Fierce WI's team was approved by KSI Bacchus btw to clear that up Vortex WI's HH team for Saturday Night Fight Night!!! Team Captain: KSI TOLERANCE 1. KSI Migraine 2. KSI TOLERANCE 3. KSI LogicIII 4. KSI Sektor 5. KSI Spaceey 6. KSI Aera Alternates: 1. KSI Wh1teshield 2. <Empty> Approved by KSI Bacchus
  4. There has been a change in who is participating for WI I will not be the one repping us instead im letting our amazing leader Bacchus take the drivers seat tonight KSI Bacchus WI APPROVED BY HIMSELF
  5. KSI N1NJA 7 WI Approved by KSI N1NJA 7 and/or KSI Bacchus
  6. Oops hahaha just caught my mistake lmao......geez N1NJA you need to learn how to get dat a** a little better.....I have been around since 2/22/11....not 2/22/12 sorry bout that lol
  7. Hey guys just saw the post on the home page to apply for the 1 year anniversary award. KSI has definitely moved forward very well after our change in leaders. KSI FuzzyMeep 7 is a great guy and has done so much since he has been at the helm for KSI. The growth and adventure that we have gone through is immense and words can't explain how happy I am to see such a place where I can go to and be myself and get away from the distractions of my personal life. I would really love to obtain this award as I have been a member of KSI since 2/22/12 and intend to continue my anniversary for months and years to come. I love you guys and I love you also Fuzzy. Keep up the great work!!!
  8. The only mark I ever made in life was in my underwear

    1. Tempest :geek:

      Tempest :geek:

      just wear brown skivies...no one will ever notice...

    2. KSI Mufasa 7

      KSI Mufasa 7

      Guess whose back back back back again gin gin fasas back back back hide your kids kids kids

  9. I can vouch for Paratroop on this 100 percent! I have known this guy for quite some time and I know he puts in massive amounts of work. Whenever someone needs him he is there ready to take care of business. He is one of my close friends and I know if I ever needed him for anything he would be there for me. Paratroop is that kind of leader that you could trust. We need more leaders like him around and even I can say that I can learn from him and will probably keep learning the longer I'm around him here in KSI. Let's give this man the outstanding service award cuz he deserves it!!! Love ya Troop!!!
  10. The future is uncertain right now. Life is full of surprises...some good.....some bad.....but u need to realize what your goal is. Never give up.....your dreams will come true

  11. Thinking about how much better life is now that your in it :)

  12. So freaking happy right now! Couldn't of asked for a better gift in life. I love you hun and I know god took a little extra time creating you :)

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