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  1. Upvote
    KSI LeTHaLVibes reacted to KSI MadHatterH for a status update, I'm tired just want to get a job so I can get on Xbox and play with my best friend an   
    I'm tired just want to get a job so I can get on Xbox and play with my best friend and love of my life @KSI Madhattress
  2. Upvote
    KSI LeTHaLVibes reacted to KSIxvdoc610x for a status update, I would never of made it to Gen of insane if it wasn't for my members, officers and t   
    I would never of made it to Gen of insane if it wasn't for my members, officers and the leadership that has mentored me during my time in KSI. So big shout outs to KSI Bushmaster 7, KSI Chicago 7, KSI Pantsir 7, KSI Mountain 7 and of course KSIxGrimreaperx!
  3. Upvote
    KSI LeTHaLVibes got a reaction from KSIxIris for a status update, So I have just been promoted to the Gen of Death Squad. It's amazing how far I have c   
    So I have just been promoted to the Gen of Death Squad.  It's amazing how far I have come since joining KSI.  I am proud to be a member of this community and also proud to be the General of Death.  I hope that I can keep this squad progressing and will do my best to further improve this squad.        I would just like to thank a few people that have helped me greatly to get to this stage.  KSI Mountain 7, KSI Tkill 7, KSI Bushmaster7 and KSI PANTSIR 7.  You 4 have really motivated me to progress and learn without your guidance and training I could of never made it to this position.    So thank you!! 
  4. Upvote
    KSI LeTHaLVibes reacted to KSI MadHatterH for a status update, To all my KSI family I figure you all need to know that I have stepped down as your c   
    To all my KSI family I figure you all need to know that I have stepped down as your captain and back to a Sargent, I will admit at times it was stressful and I even thought about calling it quits but I loved you all enough to keep fighting and believe me some of you know I never keep my opinions to myself but my personal life has stepped in and called me back from you my second family and idk when I will be back so with this I say I love you all but I must go and I hope to see you soon.
    I will always be as MAD as a HATTER. But I will also always be KSI MadHatterH. So "for the love of god" don't forget the "pickles and cream" and there is "nooo wayyyy" you will get rid of me that quick I will be back I promise.
    @KSI Madhattress
    @KSI FithAce 7
    @KSI ApexWolf
    @KSI Hypnotic9
    @KSI MFLSwagg 7
    @KSI Azrael 7
    @KSI Cuba 7
  5. Upvote
    KSI LeTHaLVibes got a reaction from KSIxvdoc610x for a status update, So I have just been promoted to the Gen of Death Squad. It's amazing how far I have c   
    So I have just been promoted to the Gen of Death Squad.  It's amazing how far I have come since joining KSI.  I am proud to be a member of this community and also proud to be the General of Death.  I hope that I can keep this squad progressing and will do my best to further improve this squad.        I would just like to thank a few people that have helped me greatly to get to this stage.  KSI Mountain 7, KSI Tkill 7, KSI Bushmaster7 and KSI PANTSIR 7.  You 4 have really motivated me to progress and learn without your guidance and training I could of never made it to this position.    So thank you!! 
  6. Upvote
    KSI LeTHaLVibes got a reaction from KSI MadHatterH for a status update, So I have just been promoted to the Gen of Death Squad. It's amazing how far I have c   
    So I have just been promoted to the Gen of Death Squad.  It's amazing how far I have come since joining KSI.  I am proud to be a member of this community and also proud to be the General of Death.  I hope that I can keep this squad progressing and will do my best to further improve this squad.        I would just like to thank a few people that have helped me greatly to get to this stage.  KSI Mountain 7, KSI Tkill 7, KSI Bushmaster7 and KSI PANTSIR 7.  You 4 have really motivated me to progress and learn without your guidance and training I could of never made it to this position.    So thank you!! 
  7. Upvote
    KSI LeTHaLVibes reacted to KSIxvdoc610x for a status update, Spirit week 2016 was a great time. It was great seeing the overall KSI cohesion thru   
    Spirit week 2016 was a great time. It was great seeing the overall KSI cohesion thru fun and friendly competition. I can't wait to be part of it next year, DL for the win in 2017! KSIxVDoc610x OUT!!
  8. Upvote
    KSI LeTHaLVibes got a reaction from KSI MadHatterH for a status update, Just wanted to take a few seconds to shoutout some members to whom i would not be whe   
    Just wanted to take a few seconds to shoutout some members to whom i would not be where i am now. Firsty, i would like to just thank KSI Mountain 7 for recruiting me [4th March 2016] if you didnt find me that day i would not of been in the position i am in now. i feel like KSI is my home and if it wasnt for you, i would of never been able to learn as much as i have, or have the opportunity to help others the way you have all helped me! Secondly, i would like to thank KSI TkillRising [my General]. it is an honour and an absolute privilege to be one of your officers. Thank you so much for all the support you give me to push on forward and be better. You are an amazing Gen and i wish you the best of luck in moving up higher in the ranks. If you didnt believe i could do the things i am doing now, then i dont think i would have been able to get to where i am. thank you brother. Thirdly, i would just like to shoutout KSI Bushmaster7, i am truly honoured to have you as my higher. the work you put in is truly astonishing, there must be a lot of stress in the position you are in, but you continue to do a great job. Also, thank you for everything you do to not only help Death, but to all squads you overlook.         KSI is my family and im sorry if this all sounded soppy but i truly am thankful to all of you and wanted to just take a little time to show a little appreciation for all you have done for me.   
  9. Upvote
    KSI LeTHaLVibes got a reaction from KSI Rebournee for a status update, Just wanted to take a few seconds to shoutout some members to whom i would not be whe   
    Just wanted to take a few seconds to shoutout some members to whom i would not be where i am now. Firsty, i would like to just thank KSI Mountain 7 for recruiting me [4th March 2016] if you didnt find me that day i would not of been in the position i am in now. i feel like KSI is my home and if it wasnt for you, i would of never been able to learn as much as i have, or have the opportunity to help others the way you have all helped me! Secondly, i would like to thank KSI TkillRising [my General]. it is an honour and an absolute privilege to be one of your officers. Thank you so much for all the support you give me to push on forward and be better. You are an amazing Gen and i wish you the best of luck in moving up higher in the ranks. If you didnt believe i could do the things i am doing now, then i dont think i would have been able to get to where i am. thank you brother. Thirdly, i would just like to shoutout KSI Bushmaster7, i am truly honoured to have you as my higher. the work you put in is truly astonishing, there must be a lot of stress in the position you are in, but you continue to do a great job. Also, thank you for everything you do to not only help Death, but to all squads you overlook.         KSI is my family and im sorry if this all sounded soppy but i truly am thankful to all of you and wanted to just take a little time to show a little appreciation for all you have done for me.   
  10. Upvote
    KSI LeTHaLVibes reacted to KSI MacRae07 for a status update, I LOVE YOU KSI ( :   
    I LOVE YOU KSI ( :
  11. Upvote
    KSI LeTHaLVibes got a reaction from PANTSIR for a status update, Happy Birthday PANTSIR, have a great day   
    Happy Birthday PANTSIR, have a great day 
  12. Upvote
    KSI LeTHaLVibes reacted to KSI Banana for a status update, As of May 8th, 2016, I want to thank KSI WyldWynd for officially welcoming me into KS   
    As of May 8th, 2016, I want to thank KSI WyldWynd for officially welcoming me into KSI! ;-)
  13. Upvote
    KSI LeTHaLVibes got a reaction from KSI Burnthesea for a status update, Just wanted to take a few seconds to shoutout some members to whom i would not be whe   
    Just wanted to take a few seconds to shoutout some members to whom i would not be where i am now. Firsty, i would like to just thank KSI Mountain 7 for recruiting me [4th March 2016] if you didnt find me that day i would not of been in the position i am in now. i feel like KSI is my home and if it wasnt for you, i would of never been able to learn as much as i have, or have the opportunity to help others the way you have all helped me! Secondly, i would like to thank KSI TkillRising [my General]. it is an honour and an absolute privilege to be one of your officers. Thank you so much for all the support you give me to push on forward and be better. You are an amazing Gen and i wish you the best of luck in moving up higher in the ranks. If you didnt believe i could do the things i am doing now, then i dont think i would have been able to get to where i am. thank you brother. Thirdly, i would just like to shoutout KSI Bushmaster7, i am truly honoured to have you as my higher. the work you put in is truly astonishing, there must be a lot of stress in the position you are in, but you continue to do a great job. Also, thank you for everything you do to not only help Death, but to all squads you overlook.         KSI is my family and im sorry if this all sounded soppy but i truly am thankful to all of you and wanted to just take a little time to show a little appreciation for all you have done for me.   
  14. Upvote
    KSI LeTHaLVibes reacted to KSI Banana for a status update, Yeah, hows it going! Excited to be recruited! Shout out to my buddy KSI Lethal Vibes   
    Yeah, hows it going! Excited to be recruited! Shout out to my buddy KSI Lethal Vibes for recommending KSI to me! XD
  15. Upvote
    KSI LeTHaLVibes reacted to KSI Banana for a status update, Forgot to give a shout out to KSI Mountain 7 for also being a big part in my recruitm   
    Forgot to give a shout out to KSI Mountain 7 for also being a big part in my recruitmen. Thanks man, won't let you guys down!
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