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KSI MadHatterH

The Shadow Realm
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Everything posted by KSI MadHatterH

  1. I'm tired just want to get a job so I can get on Xbox and play with my best friend and love of my life @KSI Madhattress

  2. To all my KSI family I figure you all need to know that I have stepped down as your captain and back to a Sargent, I will admit at times it was stressful and I even thought about calling it quits but I loved you all enough to keep fighting and believe me some of you know I never keep my opinions to myself but my personal life has stepped in and called me back from you my second family and idk when I will be back so with this I say I love you all but I must go and I hope to see you soon.

    I will always be as MAD as a HATTER. But I will also always be KSI MadHatterH. So "for the love of god" don't forget the "pickles and cream" and there is "nooo wayyyy" you will get rid of me that quick I will be back I promise.

    @KSI Madhattress

    @KSI FithAce 7

    @KSI ApexWolf

    @KSI Hypnotic9




    @KSI MFLSwagg 7

    @KSI Azrael 7

    @KSI Cuba 7

    1. DigitaL
    2. KSI MadHatterH

      KSI MadHatterH

      Please don't then I will cry it was hard writing this because I know I can do better than what I have and I know since I haven't been active the squad has suffered and I can't watch that happen I have already put in my recommendations to replace me and I think I recommend the right person and that is 

      @KSI Hypnotic9 be moved to 3CPT and  @DigitaL be moved to 4CPT and @KSI BOOGA be moved to LT 

      It would be great if those recommendations be considered in choosing thank you  

      @KSI ApexWolf

  3. How is everyone doing this fine Sunday 

  4. well im in school before class and i have no idea how im gonna finish this paper 

  5. Iknow this isnt the best place to put this but i figured its a start I'd like to shout out to all of DIESEL FI for stepping up and recruiting more members into KSI 

    @KSI Specs

  6. i don't need a rank to tell me that i have the loyalty and respect of those i lead or am in command of 

  7. so the new slogan for IGNITE FI is "pickles and cream"    @KSI MFLSwagg 7

  8. GEN NOMINEE Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ApexWolf GEN IGNITE FI Link to forums account - @KSI ApexWolf Reasoning why they deserve this - Apex what else can i say other than a great leader he took over IGNITE at a time when our squad was in desperate need of leaders and has brought us to the point we are which is strong and not only surviving but thriving. So in the great words of @KSI ApexWolf " for the love of god " please give this man the reward he deserves LT NOMINEE Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Hypnotic9 4thLT IGNITE FILink to forums account - @KSI Hypnotic9Reasoning why they deserve this - Hypnotic has busted his butt to support not only myself but his squad hes always active and is always trying to better KSI with his ideas like his FaceBook page idea
  9. well im so tired but gotta keep shining 

  10. class is so boring cant wait to get home and play ghost 


  11. well after working on my grand-pops house it feels good to be home 

  12. soooooo.... i tea baged frosty on white out on call of duty ghost 

  13. @KSI Hypnotic9 ill snipe you later lol haha 


  14. hope everyone is ready for IGNITES meeting at 8pm est 

  15. my boy AndrewKiller told me saints row wasnt to bad so its getting downloaded now 

  16. Myself, KSI Hypnotic9 and SHORTYTHING all quick scoping it 

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