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KSI MadHatterH

The Shadow Realm
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Everything posted by KSI MadHatterH

  1. whats up party people are we having fun 


  2. Sitting at my friend's vape shop on my break and tired as heck 

  3. well its 2:25 here in Pa and im losing my mind 


  4. im in my college using the computer 


  5. I lost my phone and am using madhattress phone to write this so all my friends know anything removed or said is not my fault and I apologize 

    @KSI ApexWolf

    @KSI FithAce 7

    @KSI MFLSwagg 7

  6. Well this is where we are at right now 

  7. I refuse to change my decision because I am tired of pleasing others 

  8. Who agrees we need a POKEMON GO squad in KSI 

  9. I'm finally back to work at a dinner around the corner from my dad's house 

  10. Interview tomorrow wish me luck 

  11. Hopefully I get a job and will be able to play xbox 

  12. I never realized how lucky I as till I had to move back in with my father and now I have no Xbox and a Poopy phone again and no job this really does Hucking suck 

  13. Well guys I'm having to sell my Xbox in order to pay my phone bill and have money to get to where I need to go so idk what to say anymore 

  14. I am now representing IGNITE FI in the welcoming committee 

  15. Well today was ok still wish I had my own place so I wouldn't have to listen to my dad complain and I could use my Xbox and be more active on the Xbox with my squad  but I guess patience is something very few men have 

  16. Well what is on my mind right now it's actually simple.....

    1. figure out ways to reunite a squad with out am Xbox 

    2. Figure out a way to actually participate in the above 

    3. (The most important) get my life together 

    1. KSI MadHatterH

      KSI MadHatterH

      Just a few things that's all 

  17. Last time I log in guys I'm out sorry for the waste of everyone's time 

    1. KSI Swag 77

      KSI Swag 77

      U not bro u always welcome bro

    2. KSI MadHatterH

      KSI MadHatterH

      So @KSI FithAce 7 told me I'm not allowed to quit. So I'm staying @KSI MFLSwagg 7. Orders are orders can't tell a seven no unless it's tiaga then it's ok 

  18. I would like to nominate @KSI FithAce 7 for two awards: 1. Helping hand - Because not just as a commanding officer but as a friend I remember when IGNITE was falling apart after the squad split and mass leaving of members (no names) FITHACE stood up and started sorting things out he went the extra mile to mentor and help my good friend and general KSI ApexWolf to be able to build IGNITE and DIESEL to what they are today not only thriving but surviving and we own some of our good fortune to him. But also because he is a good man off the console I remember when I was feeling down and out about losing my apartment and he called me and asked if I was gonna be ok and even offered a helping hand not as my commander but as my friend and brother. so that is why I nominate him for this 2. Out standing survive level 2- I nominate him for this because as previously stated when FI specifically IGNITE and DIESEL started falling apart he pulled together what ever was left of our rank structure and paved the way for us to be prosperous and not only thrive but survive not only as a squad but as a family. There you go ladies and germs there's my nominee KSI FITHACE 7
  19. I can attest to @KSI ApexWolf as a die hard because when I first met him he was a LT and i was a recruit he was always there when I needed help and mentored me into the 3CPT I was before I stepped down. As a gen he is always looking out for whats best for the squad and not his own personal gain
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