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    KSI MATRIX1978
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  1. KSI Warrior Ace is a great person, I want to nominate him for the outstanding service award and the helping hand award, a month ago I was helping Diesel run strong when our gen was on a LOA, I really didn't know what I was doing but thanks to all KSI Warrior Ace advice and caring for a different squad, I now know how to run a squad and how to deal with everyday problems when they arise. Warrior ace, you are more to me then a friend I consider you part of my family. Every one should be like KSI Warrior Ace. He is a inspiration to everyone he talks to, if it's a simple invite to a game night or just joining a party to talk. This is why KSI is strong as its now. With great power comes great responsibly, and KSI Warrior Ace is doing a awesome job keep up the great work boss man.
  2. What can I say about KSI Fithace7, where to start, we'll fithace isn't like any other commanding officer he/she is also a great friend, I look up to him/her, when ever I need advise for Diesel or if I'm having personal issues in my life, Mr/Mrs Fithace7 has always been there to listen to me and show me that he/she cares about their members. I nominate KSI Fithace7 for the helping hand award. I also want to nominee Fithace7 for the outstanding service award, he is always giving 200% to KSI. For that I want to say thank you for everything you do for me and other members in ksi, thank you for keeping FI standing strong and proud.
  3. What can I say KSI Merciless 7, I look up to him, when ever I had a question about KSI he has always came through, when a problem arise he is always there to lend a helping hand, or if I need advice he is always there, for that I want to say thank you, I'm glad that KSI Merciless 7 Is part of KSI, I just don't consider him a friend I consider him my family, and no matter what I will always have his back. Keep up the great work I hope one day I can move up and make you proud of me, your my inspiration.
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