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  • Birthday 07/21/1995

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  1. Name: KSI MFL Swagg 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI MFLSwagg 7 Award-/-Achievement: Silver Outstanding Service Level 2 Reason-/-Evidence: alright alright, so first things first. This mans was my first 7. He has been around for as long as I've known KSI. If that's not the start of outstanding service, I don't know what it cause that is some true dedication. Now, next point, is that Swagg has always been a leader of doing what's right and seeing what fit best for his div. I have been out for a while but I know he's still hammering away at his job in the community. He goes above and beyond to make sure his division is on the right path. This is also the guy who helped me become a Gen of a squad at one point. If It weren't for him and a couple other 7s, I wouldn't have made it to where I got back in the day. I'm sure if I was still in a would a laundry list of good things to add to this. This man deserves it. He has always done outstanding work for the community. Thanks for reading, ~Lectric
  2. Swagg has been working his butt off to make sure everyone knows their role and he's always here for us when we need him! He's been working so hard at getting Firebird's to happen and it's finally happening. He's always making sure everyone is happy and having fun. he has personally helped spider and I and vortex with our leadership responsibilities and I feel be greatly deserves this award.
  3. Merciless has gone out of his way for firebird and fulfilled his duty as a 7. The claim is that he has taken initiative to help firebird succeed and get us where we need not only now for our Squad Split, but being here to help us keep order and fun within our squad. Merciless is almost always around for our squad to answer questions and as soon as he became founder, he has been working at our success as a squad through the Tag, and making sure we know what we need to know in order to proceed in our success.
  4. BO3 Team: Feuervogel Captains Gamer tag: KSI LECTRIC Captains Division: FI Teammate 1: KSI Taiga 7 Teammate 2: KUSH omgSTRIKER Teammate 3: KSI Cookie0 Teammate 4: KSI LECTRIC Backup: KSI DEADAJAX
  5. General KSI CubaMexBomb (FI Firebird) Reason: If it weren't for some very noble decisions, firebird would have struggled harder through some unexpected or unnecessary ordeals. Cuba also is always on top of her game with her members and getting us to be the best we can be as a squad. Captain (or Lieutenant in this Situtation) KSI XxSPIDERxX Reason: Spider has shown major maturity and leadership solving problems and arguments within the squad countless times. Following protocol to the T! I don't know who else to nominate besides him.
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