I can witness for Darkangel.
Since Dark has joined KSI, she has had an immediate and lasting impact on every division and department she’s been in as well as the forums. She has consistently and constantly strived to make the community a better place for the members and is a model example of what it means to be a leader of KSI. Words can only do so much, so i wanted to list some of the achievements i’ve witnessed her accomplish.
1. Moved up in clan ops all the way to Division Leader of CD.
2. Was a member and leader in several departments.
3. Moved her way up through web ops to become a Senior Moderator and valuable asset to the day to day operations of the forums.
i’m sure there are plenty of accomplishments that i’ve missed. Either way, it’s clear to me and hopefully to the AAP staff that Dark has earned OS Lvl 1.