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KSI Jewel 7

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KSI Jewel 7 last won the day on June 27 2017

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About KSI Jewel 7

  • Birthday 02/26/2001

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Sports: Basketball ~ Soccer
    Gaming: Call of Duty
    School: Maths/Sciences ~ Arts
  • Gamertag
    KSI Jewel 7
  • Date Recruited
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  • Division
    Eternal Souls
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  1. Meta stands still as one of the greatest leaders in ES and KSI as a whole. He is kind and pushes his fellow leaders and members to their full potential. The big guy is thrown a lot everyday and is able to balance it all without crumbling. He has mentored me throughout my time in ksi and I have always seen him as a helpful hand to guide me through my ranks. I owe many of my success to him as many others do and would stand by him any day which is why he deserves this award.
  2. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSIxiDropShoyz CPT ES Hydra Link to forums account – @KSIxiDropShotz Reasoning why they deserve this – Dropshot has exceeded all past expectations, him along with his General and cofounder have regrown a failing squad and revamped the name Hydra back to its former glory. We are over excited to see what he will go one to achieve in his new squad and are very happy with the results we have seen so far. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI TexAngel Div Leader - ES Link to fourms account- @KSI TexAngel 7 Reasoning why they deserve this- Tex is literally the bomb of all bombs. She is legitimately the kindest person who honestly cares about her divisions growth and achievements. She has stood strong in times of trouble and continues to mentor me and other ranks below on how to not only keep a squad and division active but keeping them in line. She has failed to let me or her division down and stands to be the most badass woman to run a div ever!!!! ES is very lucky to have someone like Tex on our side, as am I to have her as a mentor. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Metatron 7 Director ES & DL Link to forums account – @KSI Metatron 7 Reasoning why they deserve this- Metatron has been the base of ES for months and although he has moved on to his well deserved director role, he has continued to show ES support and encouragement to help us move through the rough patches and pave way for a better future. With his supervision and knowledge ES has grown to be one of the top 3 divisions in KSI and we owe much of that to our previous division leaders We are lucky to have Meta as a director and I can't wait to see him excel and other places like DL. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI GotEm ES CoFo Link to forums account – @KSI GOT EM 7 Reasoning why they deserve this – Got Em has gone through thick and thin and because of this has grown to become suck a great leader and mentor. He works closely with his generals to determine the goods and bass of each situation and how to make them better. He has worked along side ES and its leaders for a while and has learned exactly how to work almost every situation. Because of this, I beleive got Em should deserve this award.
  3. That profile song tho....... Milennials. 

  4. Hi Jewel! have you seen your signature request recently?


  5. Please post on your rejoin App bud or it will be dicontinued!!!

  6. Eternal Souls KSI Jewel 7 Wednesday, Friday or Saturday after 8pm
  7. 1. When will we start up Lead 201 Classes? 2. Must you be a certain age to become a director/senior leader? 3. What is your best strategy to help save a squad from failing due to activity loss?
  8. Division Leader Gamertag - KSI Metatron 7 (ES) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33964-ksi-metatron-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Meta has been a key role to the fact of how and why I was moved to the seat I hold now. Ever since I first joined KSI back in 2014 and when I rejoined last year, he has held me to a certain standard that I have kept with me as I progress through life. He is constantly motivating members and pushing boundaries in ES as a division and KSI as a whole. ES is lucky to have a man like him and for those reasons he should be Div Leader of the month. Founder Gamertag - KSI TexAngel 7 (ES) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33988-ksi-texasangel/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Tex has taught me almost all I know and I can guarantee I would be one lost kid without her. Since showing interest in becoming an officer (aka the first day I re-joined KSI) she has taken me under her wing and taught me how to become a successful leader in the division. Tex deserves this award more than any other which is why I would like to nominate her for Founder of the month. General KSI GOT EM 7 (General - Banshee - ES) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/29773-ksi-got-em-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Got Em has gone through hell and back to get to his current position and you could barely notice by the way he acts and treats his members. He makes the time for any member and others in KSI and continuously is able to spread positivity and hope when he himself struggles so deeply. Got Em is one of the strongest people I know and he deserves so much for all the effort he has given in making KSI the best community. For the following reasons, Got Em should be awarded Gen of the month. LT KSI EvEnChKn-4CPT- SUCCUBUS- ES http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41796-ksi-evenchkn/ Chicken has been a key purpose to the growth of his squad and division. He is always willing to give his all in everything he does and never disappoints. A positive attitude like his always puts a smile on members faces and spreads a positive attitude to all people in this community. For these resons Chicken should be awarded Lt of the month.
  9. Co-Division Leader Gamertag - KSI Metatron 7 (ES) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33964-ksi-metatron-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Metatron has constantly been a helpful and supportive mentor of mine. He is willing to take the time to dedicate himself to his members and since the promotion of KSI Ashhh 7 he has stepped up to the role of managing the division. For these reasons I beleiive Meta should be awarded Co-Div of the month. Co-Founder Gamertag - KSI TexAngel 7 (ES, Specter, Hydra, and Griffin) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33988-ksi-texasangel/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Not only is Tex the coolest and most amazing person on the earth, she constantly is motivating members to do their best and show them their full potential. Whenever a problem arises she is willing to stand by my side and help myself and my officers through it. She stands to be my best mentor and rightfully deserves the award of Co-Fo of the month. Captain Gamertag - KSI xShadowWolf (Specter, 2CPT) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40034-ksi-dj-k1ll4/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Shadow has been my right hand man since becoming a General and he has never let me down, he has rightfully earned his position as a Captain and wil soon be my successor. He constantly motivates other to put the work in to make them better members while he continues with his regualar duties. For these reasons I believe Shadow should be given this award. LT Gamertag - KSI x Mute (Specter, 1Lt) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41054-ksi-x-lync3r/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Mute has proved to be a successful Lt and officer to Specter. He has helped Specter exit some hard times and has been a very exceptional recruiter. Although he has had some rough times he continues to stay focused on his goals and is always able to jump back from his mistakes. For these reasons he should be awarded Lt if the month.
  10. Name/ Gamertag: KSI TexAngel 7Current Rank/ Title in KSI: Co-Fo Category Nominating for: Co-Fo of the year Forums Profile Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33988-ksi-texasangel/ Reasons I feel this member should receive this award: I would like to nominate Texas because she has showed leadership that is unlike any in KSI. She has the strive to make any squad in ES better and has always showed me open doors to any problems that I or others have. She began in my squad as a CPT in the beginning of the year and has grew over time to the position of Co-Fo that is rightly deserved. She works hard in all issues that are brought upon to her and has never failed to let me down. I respect her highly and am lucky to have her as a mentor as I know so many others are. * Name/ Gamer tag: KSI Metatron 7 Current Rank/ Title in KSI: Co-Div Leader ES Category Nominating for: Co-Div Leader of The Yr Forums Profile Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33964-ksi-metatron-7 Reasons I feel this member should receive this award: I would like to nominate Meta because has never failed to respect his position and strive to make all members in his squads and KSI as a whole better than ever. He has shown mentorship towards me and others around that he can take anything on and do what he can to the best of his abilities. ES is lucky to have someone with his training and strive to make ES a better division. * Name/ Gamer tag: KSI Ashhh 7 Current Rank/ Title in KSI: ES Div Leader Category Nominating for: Div Leader of the yr Forums Profile Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26315-ksi-ashhh-7 Reasons I feel this member should receive this award: I would like to nominate Ash because she continues to lead ES in the right direction. She has helped her squads to transition from Xbox 360 to One and along the way has provided her members with guidance and new ways of doing all things KSI. From day:1 she has mentored me ever since coming back to KSI as if I never left. She has treated me as an equal besides the history we have shared together over the past 4 years. Not only is she a great leader but she always makes time for ES in her busy schedule and we are lucky to have her. (Done on a Mobile Device)
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