Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bella 7 (COFO- FI)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Throughout my Genship Bella has been by my side every step of the way. She's been my inspiration for a long time. she turned a squad from a weed to a tulip. I've been lucky to have inherited her squad. She is proof that you don't need recruits, training, or even a squad split to become a success in KSI. If I ever have any problems I know I can trust her to handle anything I throw at her.
Gamertag (Rank-Division/Squad) - KSI Whitewolf (Captain-Velocity FI)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - I transferred to velocity not knowing anyone in the squad. I knew the squad had a couple officers nut I was told they didn't know they're duties. I pulled whitewolf into a party asked him all kinds of questions. I've had a few rough patches as GEN and I needed a captain. I gave him a few tests to see if he was ready, and he passed with flying colors. Not only has whitewolf mentored his lower ranks he's also mentored me. He has a lot more on his plate than I did as a captain. I feel whitewolf will not only excel at being a captain, but also strive as a gen in the future.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI BroknDestny (4CPT- Velocity FI)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - BroknDestny is a person that this division could not live without. He is very knowledgeable and is willing to spread his knowledge towards his members. He plays with his members on a daily basis and if he can’t then he lets them know. Brokn isn't the most quiete member in the division, but he means what he says I watched him grow from a SGT to a Captain in So little time. He's just starting his captains duties but it wont take long for him to blossom into the leader I expect him to be.