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    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, having a good time whenever possible
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    Legendary Warriors
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  1. KSIx THRONEKING gen/Goliath Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33744-ksix-throneking/Reasoning why he deserve this - Even though KSIx THRONEKING isn't always on for meetings he is always ready and willing to help you with any problem you shoot his way. Even if its with small things like if you missed a meeting and you don't have access to the forums to get notes he is more than happy to go to the forums and send the notes to you. He isn't one that wants to see us fail. He always encourages us to keep having fun and do better at whatever we are doing. He is a great person when it comes to working as a team in and out of meetings. Finally, he really deserves this award not because he is good at being a Gen but because he is the best at when it comes to helping others in need.
  2. KSI xBUSH (General - LW/Paladin) - Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34058-ksixbush/ Reasoning why they deserve this - He deserves this because he goes above and beyond for anyone that needs help. If you need answers to questions or issues you are having Bush will gladly answer those questions or help you with the problem. Finally, he is an overall great guy to have around and ask questions, that's why I think he deserves this award.
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