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KSI WinterMoth

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Everything posted by KSI WinterMoth

  1. Wrath Schedule (17-23 Oct)


    Matchmaking - KSI Rises - 6pm EST


    Customs - KSI Nerf Ninja - 8pm EST


    Workshop- KSI WinterMoth - 7pm EST


    Matchmaking - KSI Rises - 6pm EST


    Game night - KSI WinterMoth - 7pm EST


    Head Hunters - KSI Sunny - 8pm EST


    Officer/squad meeting - KSI Rises - 6 to 7 then 7 to 8pm EST

    Competitive customs - KSI Sunny - 8pm EST 

  2. Wrath Schedule (10-16 Oct)


    SSGT workshop - KSI Nerf Ninja - 8pm EST


    Customs - KSI Nerf Ninja - 8pm EST


    Forge night - KSI WinterMoth - 8pm EST


    Matchmaking - KSI Rises - 6pm EST


    Game night - KSI WinterMoth - 7pm EST


    Trivia challenge/Head hunters - KSI Sunny/RockStar90 - 7pm EST


    Officer/squad meeting - KSI Warp 7 - 6 to 7 then 7 to 8pm EST

    Competitive customs - KSI Sunny - 8pm EST 

  3. I saw you left some positive reputation on one of my post, (haha, busted!) So I thought I would return the favor ;) 

  4. General KSI Lotta (Gen - DM/Wrath) - Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/29747-ksi-lotta/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Stays up way past her bed time to help her Wrath family. In one word to describe her: outgoing. We, here in Wrath, are blessed to have her as our general, and let's hope she doesn't plan on leaving us any time soon. Captain KSI JAK RIPPER (3CPT -DM/Cruelty) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/28474-ksijakripper/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Even though he's not in my squad, that doesn't mean he's not family. Some call him big brother, some call him father, uncle, or just family. If JAK RIPPER were to transfer to any squad or even division, he'll still be as important and welcomed to them as he is to us.

    Wrath Schedule (1-7 Aug)


    • Recruiting lobby - KSI JAK RIPPER - 7pm EST


    • Matchmaking - KSI Rises - 6pm EST


    • Custom - KSI Lotta - 6pm EST


    • Matchmaking - KSI JAK RIPPER - 7pm EST


    • Game night - KSI WinterMoth - 7pm EST 


    • Forge - KSI WinterMoth - 3pm EST
    • Improv - KSI Hologram - 8pm EST


    • Officer meeting - KSI Lotta - 6 to 7pm EST
    •  Squad meeting  - KSI Lotta - 7 to 8 pm EST


  6. Wrath schedule (11-17 July)

    Monday -
        Improv night - 6:30pm EST - KSI Fallen118

        Custom games - 6:30 to 7:30pm EST - KSI Lotta
        Recruiting - 7:30pm EST - KSI Lotta

        H.H practice - 7pm EST - KSI Rises/WinterMoth
        recruiting - 7pm EST - KSI Lotta

        KSI knowledge workshop - 7pm EST - KSI JAK

        game night - 7pm EST - KSI Jak/WinterMoth

        H.H practice - 7pm EST - KSI Rises/WinterMoth

        Officer meeting - 5:30 to 6:30 - KSI Lotta
        Squad meeting - 6:30 to 7:30 - KSI Lotta

  7. Wrath Schedule (20-26 June)

    Monday - 
        SGT Workshop… 7pm EST… KSI JAK/Fallen
    Tuesday - 
        Recruiting/Matchmaking… 6pm EST… KSI Lotta
    Wednesday - 
        Forge Lobby… 6pm EST… KSI WinterMoth
        Recruiting  Workshop… 7pm EST… KSI JAK
    Thursday - 
        Recruiting/Matchmaking… 6pm… KSI Lotta/Fallen
    Friday - 
        Game Night… 7pm EST… KSI Hologram
    Saturday -
        Improv… 6:30pm EST… KSI Hologram/Fallen
        Swat practice… 7pm EST… KSI Rises/WinterMoth
    Sunday - 
        Officer Meeting… 6-7pm EST… KSI Lotta
        Squad Meeting… 7-8pm EST… KSI Lotta

  8. Wrath Schedule (30 May - 5 June)


    Forums workshop (7-8pm EST) hosted by KSI JAK RIPPER/Rises


    Recruiting lobby (3-5pm EST) hosted by KSI Rises

    Recruiting lobby starting at 6pm EST hosted by KSI FlufflePuff


    Forge night (7-9pm EST) hosted by KSI WinterMoth


    Recruiting lobby (5-8pm EST) hosted by KSI FlufflePuff


    Game night (7-9pm EST) hosted by KSI FlufflePuff/JAK RIPPER


    Swat tryouts (7-9pm EST) hosted by KSI Rises/WinterMoth


    Officer meeting from 6-7pm EST hosted by KSI FlufflePuff

    Squad meeting from 7-8pm EST hosted by KSI FlufflePuff

  9. I am going on vacation/ family graduation(s). Leaving on May 18 and returning on June 4th or 5th.

    I will be available on Xbox May 12 - 17 then from 21 - June 5.

    I CANNOT be on Xbox May 18 - 20.

    I will be on Kik and Smartglass at anytime when you NEED me, please refrain from spamming me every second or I will block you. I am not taking a LoA, just a vacation in which I plan on relaxing.

  10. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI True X (Gen - DM/Wrath) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/21248-true-x/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Being on top of everything that happens in/out of our squad and keeps everyone up-to-date. Last but not least, takes time out of her day to train the best officers of any squad HANDS DOWN! Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI FlufflePuff (1CPT - DM/Wrath) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/29747-ksi-lottarose/ Reasoning why they deserve this - FlufflePuff’s obligation isn’t only to be an officer, but to love and support every member. No matter what time it is, her dedication has proven time and time again she has what it takes to run a squad. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MissHarleyQ (2LT - DM/Wrath) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35318-ksi-missharleyq/ Reasoning why they deserve this - MissHarleyQ doesn’t have to be the highest rank to prove her worth. What she does behind the scenes gives all the more reason why we love her so. She brings the life and color in our squad, and gives us direction in everything we do.
  11. April 1-8, Wrath schedule

    Mon - Recruiting/matchmaking lobby 7-9pm EST hosted by KSI WinterMoth and True X

    Tue - freeday

    Wed - recruiting workshop 6-8pm EST hosted by KSI FlufflePuff

    Thu - recruiting/matchmaking lobby hosted by KSI Rises

    Fri - gamenight 7-9 (hosted by KSI Hologram and co-hosted: FlufflePuff) then 9-11pm EST hosted by MissHarleyQ

    Sat - improve night 9-10pm EST hosted by MissHarleyQ

    Sun - Officer meeting (6-7pm EST) then 7-8pm hosted by True X

  12. Wrath schedule April 25- May 1

    • Mon - Test lobby 8:30-9:30pm EST hosted by KSI True X
    • Tue - recruiting workshop 7-9pm EST hosted by KSI FlufflePuff
    • Wed - Freeday
    • Thu - recruiting/matchmaking lobby 6-9pm EST hosted by KSI Rises
    • Fri - game night starting at 7pm EST hosted by KSI WinterMoth and MissHarleyQ
    • Sat - Mock-recruiting 6-7pm EST hosted by MissHarleyQ and Karaoke starting at 8pm EST hosted by KSI FlufflePuff
    • Sun - squad/officer meeting 6-8pm hosted by True X


  13. Wrath DM Schedule April 17 - 24

    Monday - Custom Game Night 6-8m EST hosted by KSI Rises, and officer Training hosted by KSI False V (6:30-7:30 Xbox 360 and 9:30-10:30 Xbone)

    Tuesday - Recruiting Workshop/Lobby from 7-10 pm EST hosted by KSI True X and KSI Rises

    Wednesday - Recruiting/Matchmaking lobby hosted by KSI LottaRose and KSI Rises and KSI Fallen118

    Thursday - Recruiting/Matchmaking lobby hosted by KSI LottaRose and KSI Rises

    Friday - game night 7-9 (True X) and 9-11 (MissHarleyQ) 

    Saturday - Recruiting/Matchmaking lobby hosted by KSIWinterMoth/True X (3-5 pm EST) and improv night 9-11 pm EST hosted by MissHarleyQ

    Sunday - Officer Meeting (6-7pm EST) and squad meeting (7-8 pm EST) hosted by True X

  14. I (and KSI True X) will be hosting a recruiting/matchmaking lobby Saturday 23 @ 3-5 pm EST. See you there.

  15. It's important to check the modified date on maps and game types, as many times creator(s) will change things without knowing who is using an outdated one. Please remember by checking these dates ever so often and notify the creator(s) when something needs and/or has changed. 

  16. Wrath DM Schedule for April 10-17, 2016

    Monday - Officer training hosted by KSI False V (6:30 EST 360 and 9:30 EST Xb1)
    Tuesday - Recruiting/Matchmaking hosted by LottaRose @ 6:30 EST
    Wednesday - same thing, same time as on Tuesday
    Thursday - free day
    Friday - Game night hosted by KSI MissHarleyQ @ 8 EST
    Saturday - improv night hosted by MissHarleyQ @ 9 EST
    Sunday - Officer meeting @ 6, squad meeting @ 7 hosted by True X

  17. New files added to my file share, go have some fun! :) Disclaimer:  some files weren't made by me; All credit goes to the creator(s).

  18. March 28 - April 3, 2016

    Monday -Officer Training @ 8 pm EST hosted by KSI False V

    Tuesday -Forge Night @ 7 pm EST hosted by KSI LottaRose

    Wednesday -Halo Reach Game Night @ 8 pm EST hosted by KSI MissHarleyQ

    Thursday -Family Night @ 7 EST hosted by KSI False V

    Friday -Game Night @ 8 pm EST hosted by KSI MissHarleyQ

    Saturday -Improv Night @ 7 pm EST hosted by KSI Comic Sans

    Sunday -Officer Meeting @ 6 pm EST hosted by KSI True X

                     Squad Meeting @ 7 pm EST  hosted by KSI True X

  19. I've updated my file share with new maps and game types I enjoy. Disclaimer: some maps/g.t. weren't made by me; All credit goes to the creator(s). So have yourselves a look and play on!  

  20. FYI, keep your page up to date by posting to it and/or checking up once a week. This is important as it makes our squad, Wrath, look active by not having inactive members. 

    1. KSI Fallen118

      KSI Fallen118

      I will be doing it every day sence today

  21. On Halo 4 now, 8 est, with LottaRose. Come join the fun if you want! :)

    1. KSI WinterMoth

      KSI WinterMoth

      LottaRose left early, then the rest of Wrath played a few rounds after joining up with Brutal squad. Played some until everyone left. KSI Monkeykat (Brutal) was the host, did an amazing job.  

  22. March 21 - 27, 2016

    Monday - Officer Training @ 8 pm EST hosted by KSI False V
    Tuesday - Workshop @ 7 pm EST hosted by KSI LottaRose
    Wednesday - Forge Night @ 7 pm EST hosted by KSI LottaRose
    Thursday - Wrarg Game Lobby @ 12 pm EST hosted by KSI Rises; Family Night @ 6 EST hosted by KSI False V
    Friday - Game Night @ 8 pm EST hosted by KSI MissHarleyQ
    Saturday - Matchmaking Lobby @ 8 pm EST hosted by KSI Comic Sans
    Sunday - Squad Meeting @ 7 pm EST hosted by KSI True X

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