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KSI JeffLps

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About KSI JeffLps

  • Birthday September 15

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  • Gamertag
    KSI JeffLPs
  • Date Recruited
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  1. I am a Banana Feel My Potassium!

    1. KSI R3ap3r 77

      KSI R3ap3r 77


    2. KSI HEFNER 7

      KSI HEFNER 7

      Haha yes the potassium!!!!!

  2. GEN Gamertag (rank - Division/squad) - KSI xPineapple Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33945-ksi-xpineapple/ Reasoning why they deserve this - our gen is constantly enthusiastic towards the hole of hypnos and KSI she is a good role model she deals withe slander towards her,hypnos,and ksi approprately if theres a probelm within hypnos she will get her staff together and we all come to the agreement on the action that should be taken shes always on top of her people in hypnos and ecourages everyone in hypnos to engage with everyone in the correct manner. Shes always there for everyone and always knows what is right. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI PieBoy45 3LT HYPNOS LW Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34855-ksi-pieboy45/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This person deserve it because he is ways helping his Captain and gen out. Hes is always asking question about something. Before he was a Lt he was a SSGT for hypnos and he was doing the duties of a Lt he step up has a staff and hes started to engage with the staff sgts as it should be . He has been working so hard. he is an amazing person and is very trust worthy. SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Shopzna Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34023-ksi-shopzna/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This person deserve it because he has help in any way he can. He has a lot of knowledge about KSI. He takes time out of his personal life to just be there. In hypnos we are greatful to have him in our stuff. He has been doing an amazing job and is very compassionate. He is always There for everyone, and will be by your side when you need it.
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