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THE Crooty

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    KSI Crooty219
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  1. I witness for killer king as a previous officer in his squad. this guy deserves this award without a doubt I joined ksi with this guy and climbed the ranks with him and watched him go above and beyond what any other officer/ person possible needed to do. he was a mentor to me and countless others he was there for people regardless of whether it was squad related business or just a personal problem. the guy was like a ksi fountain of knowledge and shared that knowledge with the rest of his squad to make everyone else around him the best they could be. if anyone deserves it its definitely this guy.
  2. I back bliss 100% Killer king deserves this with out a doubt I joined KSI with this guy and can safely say with out him I wouldn't have got to the position I did. He was always there to help me and any other member of the community regardless the problem the guy has been a mentor to me and countless others throughout with out the tittle of a mentor so you may aswell make it official and give him the award
  3. Haha hi crooty!! ;P :ahappy: miss you!>.<

    1. THE Crooty

      THE Crooty

      Haha well I'm a missable person :)

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