Gamertag: KSI Uppish 7
Rank: Division Leader
Recruit Date: Nov 1st, 2018
Induction Date: Oct. 3rd, 2021
Testimony: There's a lot that can be said about Uppish, but for me, it's all good things. I've had the distinct pleasure of working alongside Uppish when he was a General, a Co-Founder, and now Division Leader. Through each advancement, you really gain a bit more insight as another layer of his capabilities presents itself. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone that hasn't heard of the guy. Just mention CS, and he's the first person that comes to mind. When DM was nearing it's closure, I was presented with the option for where I felt Wrath would make the best fit. Just knowing Uppish and the history we had, all the things we went through...the good and the bad, CS was an easy choice. I can say without a doubt it's the best decision I've made in my entire KSI career thus far. Uppish was integral in helping Wrath transition to CS, getting up to speed, and settled into the ways that things should operate. Any question I had, he was on top of it, and that still holds true today. If it weren't for him, I don't know that I'd still be in KSI. There were plenty of times where I felt like giving up, but between his guidance, and the chip on my shoulder over DM closing down, that was never going to happen. I've learned more from him in 6 months than I did in the entire year prior...and I don't know about you guys, but that speaks volumes to me. For as much s*@t as we give each other, we also work together to keep this ship sailing in the right direction, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not huge on emotional stuff, but I can say this with no hesitation...I love ya man, truly. You're definitely like a brother to me, and so many within CS. You've shaped this division into what it is today, so DHoF only seems fair to show our sincerest gratitude!
Gamertag: KSI Shatner7
Recruit Date:
Induction Date: Oct. 3rd, 2021
Gamertag: KSI Fenny 77
Recruit Date:
Induction Date: Oct. 3rd, 2021