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Loyalty Paradox

Killer Krew
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  • Koins

    2,478 [ Donate ]
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Loyalty Paradox last won the day on March 22

Loyalty Paradox had the most liked content!

About Loyalty Paradox

  • Birthday 02/02/1987

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Being God, I am everywhere
  • Gamertag
    KSI Paradox7
  • Date Recruited
    Jan 1016
  • Squad
  • Division
    Chåøs Syñdïçätê
  • Rank/Title

Contact Methods

  • Discord
    Loyalty Paradox#7916
  • Twitter
  • Kik
    Moved Away

Recent Profile Visitors

33,046 profile views

Loyalty Paradox's Achievements

Loyalty Paradox's Awards


Awarded , by KSI Sub 7

Obtain this award by having at least:
69 rep
69 posts
69 koins
69 awards
Of each on the forums


Awarded , by KSI Sub 7

Obtain this award by having at least:
69 rep
69 posts
69 koins
69 awards
Of each on the forums


Awarded , by KSI Sub 7

Obtain this award by having at least:
69 rep
69 posts
69 koins
69 awards
Of each on the forums

Unceasing Subscriber

Awarded , by KSI Sub 7

You have subscribed to the KSILive Twitch for 30 total months (Screenshot with proof including your username showing you have been subbed for that length of time to KSILive)

Unceasing Subscriber

Awarded , by KSI Sub 7

You have subscribed to the KSILive Twitch for 30 total months (Screenshot with proof including your username showing you have been subbed for that length of time to KSILive)

Unceasing Subscriber

Awarded , by KSI Sub 7

You have subscribed to the KSILive Twitch for 30 total months (Screenshot with proof including your username showing you have been subbed for that length of time to KSILive)


Awarded , by KSI Sub 7

it's light red


Awarded , by KSI Sub 7

it's light red


Awarded , by KSI Sub 7

it's light red


Awarded , by KSI Sub 7

Member has had a KSI Gamertag and been in the community for at least 3 years.

Witness must comment on nomination for valid verification.


Awarded , by KSI Sub 7

Member has had a KSI Gamertag and been in the community for at least 3 years.

Witness must comment on nomination for valid verification.


Awarded , by KSI Sub 7

Member has had a KSI Gamertag and been in the community for at least 3 years.

Witness must comment on nomination for valid verification.

Blitz King

Awarded , by Loyalty Paradox

Participated in the KSI Twitter Blitz for an entire year consecutively!

Blitz King

Awarded , by Loyalty Paradox

Participated in the KSI Twitter Blitz for an entire year consecutively!

Blitz King

Awarded , by Loyalty Paradox

Participated in the KSI Twitter Blitz for an entire year consecutively!

Forum Staff of the Month Lvl 3 (retired)

Awarded , by Loyalty Paradox

Same as current Forum Staff of the month but Lvl3

Forum Staff of the Month Lvl 3 (retired)

Awarded , by Loyalty Paradox

Same as current Forum Staff of the month but Lvl3

Forum Staff of the Month Lvl 3 (retired)

Awarded , by Loyalty Paradox

Same as current Forum Staff of the month but Lvl3

Roxy Foxy

Awarded , by Loyalty Paradox


Roxy Foxy

Awarded , by Loyalty Paradox


Roxy Foxy

Awarded , by Loyalty Paradox


Happy Star Wars Day

Awarded , by VENM VII

Forums blitz 

Happy Star Wars Day

Awarded , by VENM VII

Forums blitz 

Happy Star Wars Day

Awarded , by VENM VII

Forums blitz 


Awarded , by KSI Sub 7



Awarded , by KSI Sub 7



Awarded , by KSI Sub 7


Spring Break 2023

Awarded , by Loyalty Paradox

Participated in the Spring Break Forums Poll 2023

Spring Break 2023

Awarded , by Loyalty Paradox

Participated in the Spring Break Forums Poll 2023

Spring Break 2023

Awarded , by Loyalty Paradox

Participated in the Spring Break Forums Poll 2023

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