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Loyalty Paradox last won the day on March 22
Loyalty Paradox had the most liked content!
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July 28
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June 30
June 8
Member has attained at least 100 other awards on the forums
Gifted 10 subscriptions to other members to KSILive on Twitch
You have subscribed to the KSILive Twitch for 3 total months
Who's asking
Member has attained at least 90 other awards on the forums
Member had Content used or featured on the KSI YouTube Channel;
Donated during the month of November, Minimum $5 donation, or Subscribed to the KSILive twitch channel during the month.
Department Member Of The Month
AAP Staff OTM: Departmental, best AAP staff member in the department for that month
Gifted 5 subscriptions to other members to KSILive on Twitch